Home » contagion perhaps after lunch based on wild boar meat

contagion perhaps after lunch based on wild boar meat

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contagion perhaps after lunch based on wild boar meat

The number of cases of trichinellosis (or trichinosis) in Puglia has risen to 10: among them there would also be a 10-year-old girl. At the root of the infection perhaps a lunch with friends and relatives during the Christmas period. Investigations underway, including on butchers.

The number of cases has risen to 10 trichinellosis in Puglia. At the moment, there are 5 confirmed cases and another 5 are under investigation after eating wild boar meat. Their health conditions are good and they are being treated at home with one therapy pharmacologicalexcept for one woman who was also hospitalized for other reasons at the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza hospital.

But the number of infected could increase, while the veterinary investigations of the ASL to verify the origin of the parasite.

Among the 10 infected, there would also be one 10 year old girlas he reports The Republic. Cases were intercepted at San Marco in Lamis and they would belong to three clusters of people linked together by kinship and friendship.

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Where did the contagion start from in Puglia: we think of a Christmas lunch

You think of a lunch based on wild boar meat after a hunt but also a batch of uncontrolled sausages or salami, probably consumed during the feasts of Natale, whereas the incubation period in humans it is generally between 8 and 15 days but can vary between 5 and 45 days, depending on the amount of parasites ingested.

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The epidemiological investigation of the ASL specialists of Foggia continues, and with that also the checks in the butchers of the area, which for now they have given negative result.

What is trichinellosis and what are the symptoms

The trichinellosisalso called trichinosi – reads the website of the Higher Institute of Health – it is a zoonosis caused by cylindrical worms belonging to the genus Trichinellaa parasite that initially localizes in the intestine and then gives rise to a new generation of larvae that migrate into the muscles, where they then encyst.

The first positives in Puglia were ascertained at the beginning of last month. “The incubation period is quite long,” she commented to Foggia Today Lino Centolanza, medical director of the ASL Fg: “A characteristic sign that everyone has had is the edema of the eyelids with skin rash. Muscle pains are the real alarm bells,” he explained.

Since iThe contagion is only alimentarythe advice of the medical director is to eat well done meat: “The offending meats are those of swine, pig e boar. There are no dangers to beef because it doesn’t eat infected animal carcasses,” he said.

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