Home » Massacre of migrants, for Italians it is not the government’s fault: left ko

Massacre of migrants, for Italians it is not the government’s fault: left ko

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Massacre of migrants, for Italians it is not the government’s fault: left ko

The local left thought of regrouping and relaunching its action by riding the drama of the shipwreck of migrants in Croton, seen as an issue capable of reinforcing the opposition and re-establishing relations with the country. In a week, poisonous declarations rained down and the finger was pointed at the government, even asking for the resignation of Minister Matteo Piantedosi. In reality it was a boomerang for the left, knocked out by the judgment of the Italians.

For the vast majority of voters, the fault does not lie with the center-right executive led by Giorgia Meloni, but the causes must be sought in the traffickers of human beings and in Europe which appears increasingly deaf to the appeals of our country. And here once again the left loses contact with planet Earth: on the one hand the red front launches accusations and rails against the government; on the other hand, in everyday reality, the executive is not perceived at all as responsible for the tragedy. Red looting is thus knocked out.

The smugglers and the EU are to blame

To nail the left to its own fragility with which it acts is the latest survey by Euromedia Research Published on The print, which provided a very clear picture of the thinking of the Italians regarding the disaster that took place off the Calabrian coast. The data speak unequivocally and for a very large part exonerate the government from the mud machine punctually operated these days by the red galaxy.

For 26.2% the responsibility lies with the smugglers; for 20.5% the fault lies with the countries from which they arrive, from which they departed; 19.8% believe that the root of it all lies in theEuropa. This alone would be enough to silence the propaganda of those who have not missed an opportunity to goad the centre-right: for 66.5% Italian politics has nothing to do with it. According to 9.1% the mistake is to be attributed to all the governments of our country in the last 20 years; 8.2% say we are all involved in the wrong.

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The clamorous fact, however, is another: only 7.5% are convinced that the responsibility for the shipwreck of the migrants lies with the government led by Giorgia Meloni. For 4.1% the fate, destiny, chance and injustice of the world played a dramatic role. 1.6% indicated other. The remaining 3% did not respond.

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As pointed out by the pollster Alessandra Ghisleri, the front of the voters of the Democratic party is by no means compact and has proved fragmented in the indication of responsibilities: the dem base has pointed the finger in particular against the smugglers (18.6%), the government (18.6%), all of us (17.8 %) and Europe (17%). The situation is equally clear-cut in the 5 Star Movement: for the grillini, the faults are to be found mainly in Europe (21.9%), in the smugglers (16.7%) and in the countries from which they depart (16.7%).

Among other things, the dramatic event was the first battleground of Elly Schlein who, making his debut at the helm of the Democratic Party, did not hesitate to ask for the resignation of the Minister of the Interior. However, the theme, without detracting from the pain and the extent of the tragedy, does not seem to be a pivot on which to focus the recovery action: 35.9% said they were impressed but at the same time added that life goes on and in a few days he will have removed it, forgotten it, set it aside.

29.7% were impressed and are still thinking about what happened last Sunday. 12.5% ​​remained indifferent and said they weren’t interested. 10.3% indicated something else and the remaining 11.6% did not answer. The left should take note of the widespread opinion of the Italians and act accordingly: face reality, put aside the eternal propaganda against the government and abandon the field of looting.

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Survey source:

Euromedia Research – 28 February 2023. Scientific-statistical survey based on anonymous declarations.

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