Home Ā» Skiing, World Cup: Austrian hat-trick in Kvitfjell, Ortlieb wins. Fourth Goggia

Skiing, World Cup: Austrian hat-trick in Kvitfjell, Ortlieb wins. Fourth Goggia

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 I continui cambiamenti climatici a Kvitjfell danno vita a una gara folle, con un ribaltone dietro l'altro: ĆØ tripletta austriaca, con la bergamasca fuori dal podio

The snow and the continuous changes in climatic conditions, with an intermittent wind, transform the latter super-G Of Kvitfjell in an authentic lottery. Victory goes to Nina Ortlieb, which closes in 1.29.25, preceding Venier by 12/100 and Gritsch by 38/100. Austrian hat-trick in Norway, with Sofia Goggia in fourth position at 69/100. Just out at ten Elena Curtoniwho keeps the red bib and leads the specialty cup.

Crazy race in Kvitfjell, with the continuous climatic changes affecting the classification. It starts with a very heavy snowfall, which allows a
Jasmine Flury (descended with better conditions) to keep the summit for a long time, despite many mistakes. The snow diminishes as the minutes go by and all the athletes gain a lot on the Swiss, who is dethroned by an amazing Sofia Goggia: the blue comeback from 97/100 behind and, with a great final part, takes the lead for 19/100 . After her descent, however, the wind conditions completely change and anything goes, with a surprising result. The exit of the sun and the Norwegian gusts push the athletes from number 22 onwards, giving life to another race that rewards Austria: the winner is Nina Ortlieb with bib number 31 and a time of 1.29.25, ahead of her compatriots Venier (+0.12) and Gritsch (+0.38).

So comes an unthinkable Austrian hat-trick, which has been missing since 2005. Fourth Sofia Goggia at 69/100, ahead of Aicher, Flury, Shiffrin, Holdener, Weidle and Jenal. 12th position for Elena Curtoni, in tandem with Corinne Suter, at 1″14. Federica Brignone closes 21st at 1″54, committing a serious mistake and compromising a possible top-5. In the thirty also Nicol Delago and Roberta Melesi, respectively 26th and 27th with 1″67 and 1″80 behind. Out
Laura Pirovano while she was virtually in the lead, Nadia Delago didn’t start instead. Elena Curtoni keeps the top of the Specialty Cup with 332 points, ahead of Gut (313), Huetter (307), Mowinckel (306) and Brignone (288): they will be fighting for the trophy in the CdM finals in Soldeu (15- March 19). The general cup had already been awarded yesterday to
Mikaela Shiffrin which rises to 1828 points, preceding Gut (1007) and Vlhova (975).

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