Home » Driving ban for the elderly after 10pm

Driving ban for the elderly after 10pm

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Driving ban for the elderly after 10pm

In some cases, if they are people over eighty or ninety years old based on their health conditions, there may be bans on driving on the highways or traveling at night

Every year the number of road accidents in our country is on the rise, demonstrating that compliance with the rules by motorists is not always a priority. For this reason, the CDS also provides for a whole series of very severe penalties for those who break the rules in force.

In some cases – writes www.solomotori.it – ​​the penalties could reach several thousand euros, if we have committed offenses that can seriously endanger the lives of other road users. This rule specifically starts from 10 pm and is very strict.

The Highway Code contemplates a whole series of provisions for all types of drivers who may find themselves driving a car. In fact, not everyone can drive a vehicle normally if, for example, they have disabilities or particular pathologies that actually hinder safe driving.

For this reason, the renewal of the license provides for a medical examination on the basis of which the health conditions of the persons can be verified. As we know, the renewal of this document is completed with more stringent deadlines with advancing age.

Furthermore for the elderly there are also other driving restrictions that should certainly not be ignored. In some cases, in fact, if we are dealing with people over eighty or ninety years old based on their health conditions, there may be bans on driving along the motorways or traveling at night.

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In the latter case, the prohibition starts from 10pm but in any case these are very rare cases and which in any case provide for specific controls.

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