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Three years since the first case of corona in RS | Info

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Three years since the first case of corona in RS |  Info

Three years ago, the first case of infection with the corona virus was confirmed in the Republic of Srpska.

Izvor: Shutterstock

The coronavirus was confirmed in China at the end of 2019, and the first case in the Republic of Srpska was confirmed in Banja Luka on March 5, 2020.

A state of emergency was declared on March 16, and a state of emergency 12 days later.

According to the data of the Institute of Public Health, 120,830 people infected with the corona virus were confirmed in Srpska in three years, and 6,631 people who were confirmed to have the virus died.

More than 450,000 people were tested in the Republic of Srpska.

Even three years after the outbreak of the corona pandemic, there is no clear answer to the question – how did the virus originate?

The director of the FBI said that his agency estimated that the pandemic was probably caused by an incident at a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

Beijing today condemned the new US report and asked them to stop slandering China.


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