Home » Arrested citizen of Turkey in Montenegro | Info

Arrested citizen of Turkey in Montenegro | Info

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Arrested citizen of Turkey in Montenegro |  Info

A Turkish citizen was arrested in Montenegro. It is suspected that the reason is the earthquake that hit this country.

Source: Profimedia

Based on the warrant issued by Turkey, businessman Ahmet Kalioncu from this country was arrested in Podgorica. This information was confirmed by his defense lawyer Dalibor Kavarić.

Kavarić believes that the arrest of his client is connected to the events after the earthquake in Turkey because Kalioncu is connected to a construction company. A Turkish citizen was arrested when he was approaching the house in Podgorica that he had rented to live in.

“My client has been informed that Turkey is looking for him for something criminal related to payment cards. However, the family and I suspect that the motive is his connection with a concrete construction company. “If we keep in mind the current events in Turkey and the arrests of the owners of construction companies in that country, the family and I are convinced that this is the real reason for his arrest,” Kavarić said, reports RTCG.

The lawyer says he believes the charges for the alleged second crime are a pretext for Kalionac to be extradited to Turkey under a shortened procedure. “Nafter the family, and I as his lawyer, checked in the High Court in Podgorica with the investigating judge who is responsible for the extradition procedure, we found that he was not brought before the judge as provided for by the law and the international convention on extradition. In order for the extradition process to begin, he had to be brought before an investigating judge. “Instead of starting a legal extradition, the police carried out a de facto extradition by terminating Kalionac’s temporary stay and issuing or planning to issue a decision on expulsion,” Kavarić announced.

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He reminded that, according to the international convention, Montenegro, like other signatory states, is not obliged to extradite a foreigner to his home state if the death penalty could be imposed in the same country or if there are circumstances that indicate that the foreigner could have an inhumane or unfair trial in his country. treatment.


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