Home » Nutritionist bonus: lose weight at the expense of the state | Don’t miss the opportunity that changes your life

Nutritionist bonus: lose weight at the expense of the state | Don’t miss the opportunity that changes your life

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Nutritionist bonus: lose weight at the expense of the state |  Don’t miss the opportunity that changes your life

An incredible proposal could make the dreams of many Italians come true. We talk about the nutritionist: here’s what’s about to happen

It can happen to everyone, once in their life, to lose control of their diet and gain weight in addition to their ideal weight. Our body shape is in fact the result of a balance not always easy to maintain: it is not enough just to eat well, but adequate movement is necessary.

Nutritionist, don’t miss this opportunity – IlGranata.it

Work stressdifficult family conditions or simply the holidays can alter it, leading us to eat more than we actually consume and therefore to gain weight. However, if we no longer want to carry that ballast with us, and regain both our physical form and health, we must contact a nutritionist. Here is the proposal that is driving everyone crazy: we should take advantage of it immediately.

Nutritionist bonus: the new proposal

In an increasingly fatter country, where obesity in adults and children is growing dramatically due to a lifestyle decidedly contrary to the standards of well-being recommended by the WHO, nutritionists and dieticians assume a fundamental importance. The only thing that stops many from booking an appointment but it is the cost: very often, being specialist visits, they are performed privately.

State-funded nutritionist
Nutritionist, don’t miss this opportunity – OòGramata-ot

In the last few hours, nutritionist Francesca Beretta has therefore launched a proposal to politicians: why, like the psychologist bonus, not to promote the nutritionist bonus? In fact, the pandemic has led not only to psychological and psychiatric discomfort but also, very often, to weight gain: closed gyms, stress and the obligation to stay at home have caused many an accumulation of weight which to this day they have not been able to resolve. “The pandemic has led to the weight gain of more than 4 out of 10 Italians (44 percent) according to what emerges from a study by Coldiretti on CREA data”explains Beretta, thus arguing its bonus proposal with sincere data.

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At the moment this it’s just a proposition but, if our politicians welcomed it, surely there would be many men and women ready to take advantage of it. In a world like this, where health assumes an ever more central role and where people are perfectly aware of the risks they run, the nutritionist is a fundamental figure for education in proper nutrition. There has also been talk for some time about including it in schools as a teaching to be imparted to children and teenagers, so as to give them the guidelines for the right diet from an early age: who knows, in the coming years, what will materialize.

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