Home » Eating honey every day: here are the consequences on our body

Eating honey every day: here are the consequences on our body

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Eating honey every day: here are the consequences on our body

Thanks to bees, we can taste honey, which is produced from honeydew or even nectar. The honeydew or nectar undergoes a transformation process, in which it is dehydrated and then stored in the honeycomb. Honey is also produced as a source of nourishment in the winter months, as well as being very beneficial for our body. However, many wonder if actually eating honey every day is good or bad. Let’s find out the truth together.

Eating honey every day: here are the consequences on our organization

As we said before, honey is very beneficial for our body but if you want to eat it every day, you shouldn’t exaggerate with the quantities, since it is still a sugary substance. This food has many properties, for example it is an excellent antioxidant and antibacterial, helping the skin by preventing acne.

In many cases, in fact, it is used in cosmetics, as an ingredient in masks or scrubs. It also accelerates the metabolism, in fact it is used in slimming diets as a substitute for sugar. Furthermore, it also contains many vitamins and minerals, thus helping to fight it stress e improve memory skills.

Honey is also used to relax and to try and reduce seizures. This is because it obviously contains glucose. It is also used to combat psyche disorders, as well as having properties antiseptic and laxative, thanks to the presence of fructo-oligosaccharides, similar to fibers.

It is therefore very healthy for our body, but as we have already anticipated, we must not overdo the doses, since it is still sugar and could lead to diarrhea, gastritis, diabetes and hyperexcitability. It is also very caloric in fact we have 300 calories in 100 grams of product. If you want to take honey every day and have benefits, 30 grams per day are recommended, or about 3 teaspoons.

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