Home » Summary: African politicians and scholars believe that the Chinese Communist Party’s experience in state governance provides useful reference for African countries

Summary: African politicians and scholars believe that the Chinese Communist Party’s experience in state governance provides useful reference for African countries

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Summary: African politicians and scholars believe that the Chinese Communist Party’s experience in state governance provides useful reference for African countries

Xinhua News Agency reporter

On the centenary of the Communist Party of China, some African leaders, experts and scholars expressed in online exchange activities or interviews with the media that since the founding of the Communist Party of China, it has led the Chinese people to continuous victories, and its experience in governing the country is very important to African countries. Social stability, poverty reduction, economic development, and the fight against the new crown epidemic are of reference significance. We look forward to strengthening exchanges and cooperation in governance with the Communist Party of China.

The Deputy General Secretary of the African National Congress of South Africa (ANC) Jesse Dulty said at an online reception celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China at the Chinese Embassy in South Africa. The eye-catching development achievements, whether in terms of poverty reduction, economic growth, or social development, have set an example for the vast number of developing countries. The ANC is also currently advancing reforms to adapt to and respond to the new situation, hoping to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with the Communist Party of China in the governance of the country.

Former South African Vice President Kalema Motlanti stated that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has achieved its first centennial goal, built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, historically solved the problem of absolute poverty, and is moving towards a comprehensive socialism. The second centenary goal of a modern and powerful country is striving forward. “The Chinese Communist Party does not forget its original intention, keeps pace with the times, and continues to grow and develop. We can learn a lot from it.

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Peter Kagwanja, director of the African Policy Research Institute, said that thanks to political stability and economic development, more than 700 million people in China have been lifted out of poverty since the reform and opening up. This is hailed by the World Bank as one of the greatest events in human history.

Donald Rushabwa, a researcher at the Zimbabwe China-Africa Economic and Cultural Exchange Research Center, said that the Communist Party of China has always insisted on putting the people at the center, which has played a huge role in China’s rapid development and social prosperity.

Abdullah Sadara, deputy general secretary of the Zanzibar Revolutionary Party, Tanzania’s ruling party, said that the cadres of the Communist Party of China have rooted in the grassroots and are closely connected with the people. At the same time, the party’s theory and policies are passed on to the grassroots in detail to promote the betterment of party members. Connect with and serve the masses. “The Communist Party of China is a party of the people and a party that serves the people. When a party is close to the people, the people are willing to actively respond to this party.”

Humphrey Mohi, a professor at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, said: “The Chinese leadership and the people have always maintained close contact. This contact has promoted the rapid implementation of decision-making, and China’s effective control of the new crown epidemic has benefited from this. An effective structure for communication, coordination and execution.”

President Lungu of Zambia said that China’s achievements come from the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the hard work and perseverance of the Chinese people. These are worth learning from African countries. (Notewriter: Wang Hongjiang; participating reporters: Cao Kai, Bai Lin, Zhang Yuliang, Li Sibo, Gao Zhu, Zhao Yupeng, Nie Zuguo, Guo Jun, Jing Jing, Teng Junwei, Wang Linyuan, Xu Zheng, Xing Jianqiao)

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