Home » Fréjus Attindonglo: “Sexual minorities are human beings” ~ Mondoblog

Fréjus Attindonglo: “Sexual minorities are human beings” ~ Mondoblog

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Fréjus Attindonglo: “Sexual minorities are human beings” ~ Mondoblog

According to a report by Amnesty International, 32 African countries have laws criminalizing same-sex relations, some of which carry the death penalty. For Fréjus Attindonglo, this situation is no longer tenable.

In Benin, the LGBTQ+ community faces significant social and legal challenges. ” In my country, sexual minorities suffer many acts of intolerance. I wish to warn about the criminal nature of these actions! »exclaims the Mondblogger.

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Mondoblog audio – Fréjus Attindonglo on sexual minorities

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Systemic discrimination

As in many African countries, homosexuality is illegal in Benin and is considered a crime. LGBTQAI+ people are often victims of discrimination, oppression and violence, and must face many challenges to live their lives safely and without harm.

In Cotonou, in 2021, “Three transgender women were forced to strip before being beaten and robbed by a group of men. The latter filmed the attack and posted the video on social networks. »says Fréjus.

A struggle far from won

Despite these challenges, Fréjus supports him: “ Sexual minorities are our brothers, our sisters, our children. We must work to protect them and respect their rights. In this sense, in 2019, the Beninese Association for the Promotion of Human and Peoples’ Rights (ABDP) organized the first pride march in the city of Cotonou. The march brought together LGBTQAI+ people and allies to celebrate the diversity and visibility of the community.

For Fréjus, it is necessary to protect against discrimination: “ Regardless of nationality, sex, place of residence, origin, religion, color, language or other criteria, the enjoyment of human rights is on an equal footing. His remarks are part of a revaluation of the Beninese Constitution, ensuring a strong commitment to the protection of human rights.

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