Home » Service for “Back Health Day” on March 15, 2023 – This is how you sit healthier in the office

Service for “Back Health Day” on March 15, 2023 – This is how you sit healthier in the office

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lightning calculator

Berlin (ots)

A lack of ergonomic office furniture in the home office and incorrectly adjusted workplaces in the office lead to tension and back pain. But if you follow a few basic rules and adjust the chair and table correctly, you will avoid poor posture and can thus easily prevent back pain. Tips, infographics and an ergonomics calculator will help.

“People are not made to sit. The right posture is all the more important. And to do this, the office furniture must be correctly adjusted to our height. This is similar to a bicycle – the best bike is of no use if the saddle is too high or too low is set. The infographics give you specific tips on how best to proceed. And with the ergonomics calculator, you can easily calculate the optimal height of the desk and settings of the office chair.”says Tim Lilling, project manager at blitzrechner.de.

Note for editors: 12 free infographics for building a photo gallery can be found here: https://www.blitzrechner.de/presse/#pressemitteilunginfografiken-zum-thema-ergonomie

The following tricks will help:

1. The monitor should be placed at least an arm’s length away. Effect: If the screen is too close, the posture is often cramped. This leads to tension in the shoulder and neck area in particular. The further away the monitor is, the more relaxed your upper body and eyes are.

2. The height of the monitor should be adjusted so that the view falls diagonally downwards – the head is tilted slightly downwards. Effect: The neck is relieved, the eyes are less strained.

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3. The keyboard and mouse should be placed so that the elbows are always at the same level. Effect: The upper body is not permanently stressed on one side, which prevents cramps and disharmony in the shoulder, back and neck muscles.

4. Palm rests prevent hands from bending when operating the mouse. Effect: Joints, tendons and nerves from the hand to the elbow are protected, diseases such as carpal tunnel syndrome or golfer’s elbow are prevented.

5. Correctly adjust the office chair and table to your height. Don’t know how? An online calculator for ergonomic sitting will help you calculate: Effect: If the office chair and desk are ideally adjusted for your height, you can sit relaxed and more ergonomically without having to concentrate on it.

6. The pelvis should be slightly tilted – ergonomic chairs and seat cushions will help with this. Effect: The lower back stays in its natural position; Intervertebral discs and muscles are relieved.

7. Feet should be placed firmly on the floor and as parallel as possible to each other. Effect: The body automatically adopts a healthier posture, the load is distributed evenly over both halves of the body – in contrast to sitting with a crossed leg.

About Back Health Day

Back Health Day is a German day of action that draws attention to back pain and back problems. Since 2002 it has been celebrated annually on March 15th with the following focal points:

  • Creating awareness of back pain
  • Helping people help themselves
  • Information on prevention and prevention
  • Identification of warning signals and mental causes
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In more and more cities and regions, doctors, masseurs, physiotherapists, pharmacies, back schools, health authorities and associations provide a wide range of information.

About lightning calculator

Blitzrechner.de is Germany’s largest computing portal for everything to do with consumer issues and provides answers to typical everyday questions. How much electricity do my electrical devices use? How to calculate shoe sizes correctly? What is my optimal training heart rate? And how does percentage calculation work?

Over 200 free online calculators quickly provide the right solution. Background information, infographics and statements from experts complete the offer. The use of the platform is free of charge.

Press contact:

Rechenportal www.blitzrechner.de
Tim Lilling
D-14163 Berlin
[email protected]
Phone: +49 30 – 41 72 52 78

Original content from: Blitzrechner, transmitted by news aktuell

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