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“It is appropriate for us to work collectively for the empowerment of women as leading actors in the same way as men in society”

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“It is appropriate for us to work collectively for the empowerment of women as leading actors in the same way as men in society”

On the sidelines of International Women’s Rights Day, the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Félix Antoine TSHISEKEDI TSHILOMBO met more than 5,000 women from different social strata and trades on Wednesday March 8, 2023 at the People’s Palace .

On the menu of their direct dialogue session, issues related to the status of women and the promotion of their rights. This interactive format is better suited to the context of the dramatic social situation of women in the east of the country.

Felix Tshisekedi FIJ

During this exchange, the women returned to the denunciation and condemnation of the aggression of the DRC by Rwanda, of which the Congolese woman is the first innocent victim because she pays a very heavy price every minute to this conflict and the indiscriminate violence that results from it.

Felix Tshisekedi FIJ

The President of the Republic, Félix Antoine TSHISEKEDI very touched by the welcome reserved for him, reiterated his determination to defend the rights of women and to change the tradition of stereotypes which reduce women to household activities.

As a champion of Positive Masculinity, the President of the Republic has announced his intention to create a fund for the promotion of women’s rights.

It should be noted that since his mandate, the President of the Republic has promised several women in different sectors, namely Government; Administration; Judiciary, army to name a few.

This year, the Democratic Republic of Congo celebrated International Women’s Rights Day under the theme ” Egalitarian digital education for peace and the empowerment of women and girls« .

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