Home » The ordeal that lives at Rappi’s home after losing a leg

The ordeal that lives at Rappi’s home after losing a leg

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The ordeal that lives at Rappi’s home after losing a leg

One of the most popular applications locally and internationally is Rap, the unicorn that has provided so many solutions to its users, where it has constantly implemented new experiences and functionalities to make life easier for users. However, one of its black spots has been the treatment that its residents have received.

Precisely, several of them have used social networks to denounce situations that they live with the application, due to the conditions that they have provided when working on the bicycle, to make addresses to various people in various territories of the country, such as Example in Bogota.

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In the capital of the country, there have been some problems since some users on Twitter have denounced over time the working conditions in which they carry out their paid work, as denounced by a domiciliary of Rappi that after losing a leg, he lives an ordeal because he has not yet been able to pay his insurance.

“Mr. Rappi, I had an accident working with you, causing a leg amputation. +1 month ago I asked for the order history for the insurance process. Although I am disabled, they have made me go to their office and they still do not provide the information. Does that seem fair to you?” wrote Cristian Abril, the homemaker who talks about the delicate situation he is experiencing.

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Due to this situation, Abril has been contacted by Mobility Bogota in order to know the case, due to an accident he suffered on his motorcycle. He also wrote in the tweet of the complaint, the journalist Juan Pablo Vasquezto expand more details about what happened with Cristian.

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What did Rappi say about this case?

According to what the address of the application commented, Rappi contacted him internally to help him with his situation, and this is what happened:

“They wrote about Rappi internally, but obviously, nothing has been solved. They only have a report to print, and they are not interested in collaborating. And meanwhile the worker who lost a leg..BAD HELP!Abril wrote, after they contacted him, to provide him with a solution.

Several users on Twitter have also expressed their solidarity with Cristian, who has received job offers, spaces to show the complaint, help from lawyers to follow his case and pressure tagging Rap to solve the problem.

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