Home » High cholesterol: the 4 foods to absolutely avoid | You risk big if you consume them regularly

High cholesterol: the 4 foods to absolutely avoid | You risk big if you consume them regularly

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High cholesterol: the 4 foods to absolutely avoid |  You risk big if you consume them regularly

If you suffer from high cholesterol, there are 4 foods you absolutely must avoid. Here’s what the risk is if you consume them all the time

Health is one of the main concerns of people and often depends on the diet they follow.

Here are the 4 foods to avoid for those with high cholesterol – Radio7.it

Who suffers from cholesterol altoIn particular, he needs to be careful about what he eats to avoid serious problems. There are four foods which must be absolutely avoided, otherwise you risk worsening your situation. In the rest of the article, we’ll show you which foods to avoid and provide helpful tips for maintaining a healthy, balanced diet.

The 4 foods to avoid for those with high cholesterol

Having high cholesterol means that your blood cholesterol level is higher than normal, which increases your risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. For those suffering from this condition, it is important to avoid certain foods that can make the situation even worse. In the next paragraph, we will show what these are 4 foods to avoid and we will provide suggestions for maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

There are 4 foods to avoid for those with high cholesterol: here’s what they are – Radio7.it

Il pesce it is a fundamental food for taking vitamins and noble fats, however, those suffering from high cholesterol must pay attention to the types of fish they consume. In particular, clams e shellfish such as shrimp, mussels and clams, are high in cholesterol and can increase the level of this substance in the blood. Therefore, it is important to limit the consumption of these foods if you have high cholesterol. However, there are other varieties of fish that can be eaten safely, such as salmon, sardines and tuna.

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Even the red snapper, despite being a lean and healthy fish, it should be limited in the diet of those suffering from high cholesterol. Indeed, although it contains less fat than other varieties of fish, it is still high in cholesterol. However, eliminating red snapper completely from your diet is not necessary, but rather limiting its consumption. In addition to shellfish and snapper, there are two other foods that should be avoided: the burro eh cheeses grassi. These foods contain a high amount of saturated fat and cholesterol, which can raise your blood cholesterol level.

Ultimately, the recommended diet for those with high cholesterol (but also those who are perfectly healthy) is that Mediterranean. This means abundant vegetables, whole grains, lean fish (preferably oily), dairy products and little meat, especially red.

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