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all points still to be clarified

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all points still to be clarified

“Shall we have an evening together?”. “Yes, we have some fun. Let’s have a drink and you stay overnight with me… You know what laughs!”. It all starts like this. With an innocent chat between two friends. They are both eighteen years oldare fellow students. If they also have a malaise to drown, the dark thoughts of two young and restless girls, some disappointment, it is not given at the moment to know.

Reconstruction of what happened

However, they decide that they will give it a go that evening. Families imagine nothing. But the two girls plan to exaggerate, they have almost everything planned. They get drinks. Spirits, in which to perhaps drown some sorrow. Or just to be a bit ‘silly’. The agents of the mobile squad of the Monza police station are working in these hours to clarify, but commissioner Marco Odorisio is awaiting the results of the autopsy carried out on Friday on the body of one of the two eighteen year olds. The host. Could give more information. Because what we are telling is the story of a tragedy. The girl from Monza drank too much on the evening of Sunday 5 March. Whiskey and Gin. The bottles will be found the next day in a friend’s room. But not only those.

The cops also find boxes of psychiatric drugs. Everything is OK, purchased with regular prescription by the landlord. The problem is that the two girls, in addition to alcohol, also decide to take pills of psychotropic drugs. How many is still to be clarified. The fact is that the girl from Monza when he goes to sleep that night he feels sick. The cocktail of alcohol and psychoactive drugs proves lethal. The next morning, when her friend wakes up, the girl doesn’t move. “Come on, it’s time to get up” she calls, without receiving any response.

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The alarm goes off

She went into circulatory arrest, it is not known exactly since when. Her friend and landlady worries. She’s got a hangover too, but he manages to warn his father, who sleeps in the other room. The upset man decides there is no time to lose and calls 112. From the San Gerardo hospital in Monza ambulance and emergency medical services depart in red code. But there is nothing more to do. The girl is catatonic. They also take her friend to the hospital for tests, but at least for her there is nothing serious.

The police are notified from the emergency room in Monza. The agents of the general prevention and public rescue office intervene on the spot. Investigations are launched immediately, the mobile team of the Police Headquarters, coordinated by the Monza Public Prosecutor’s Office, reconstructs the evening. The little party based on alcohol and psychopharmaceuticals. It seems that no one was there besides the two friends. Only one of them, after falling asleep, never woke up the next morning. Maximum confidentiality on the friend’s father, even though hers has been described as the reaction of a very experienced person: “I knew nothing.”

The investigations continue

The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Monza ordered an autopsy on the young woman which was performed on Friday, while the investigations by the Police continue. A few days earlier, on March 3, a 37-year-old man had died of a probable cocaine overdose in Monza. Two tragic events in a few hours that make Commissioner Marco Odorisio think: “My reflection and my appeal go to the kids so that they do not throw their existence away and do not self-destruct. Even in the face of difficulties and fears, it is good that they open up, with families, with friends, with people close to them, because life is one and has an inestimable value”.

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And he added, recalling the 13 bars closed just last year in Brianza because they served alcohol even to very young people, even minors: “The effects of a spirit on a still growing boy, perhaps combined with a ‘joint’ or a greatly increases the risks. It can be fatal. Mine is above all the appeal of a father. Guys, don’t throw your life away.”

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