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the pain to “Verissimo” – DiLei

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the pain to “Verissimo” – DiLei

There is no good news from Paola Caruso and from the misfortune that befell his son. The showgirl intervened again a very truestudy in which he had first told what happened, and revealed that Little Michele’s conditions worsened. If the leg has recovered, the foot instead hasn’t improved and a painful confession comes to the microphones of Silvia Toffanin: “A permanent damage“.

Paola Caruso, little Michele gets worse: “Made permanent damage”

Paola Caruso he hoped until the end that what happened to his son Michele could find a solution. However, after about 3 months from the misfortune that hit the little one, no good news coming. To tell it is the showgirl, guest of Silvia Toffanin in the living room of very true: “The nerves, if they have a trauma, must recover within 3 months. This has not happened. She has improved her leg, now she moves it, but she still doesn’t have sensation in her foot. The foot still doesn’t move it, so the doctors said that as the leg recovered, the foot should have recovered as well, because the nerve is the same. But no.”

Little Michele is forced to keep a permanent tutor, no longer having the mobility of the foot: “Without a brace it cannot be, because the foot does not move it”. His pain is also linked to that of his son, whom he tries to reassure in every possible way although he is aware of the seriousness of the situation: “Every day he says to me: ‘Mom, but I don’t have to wear a brace for life, right? ‘. I tell him no, but I’m telling him a lie. A pain like this only a mother can understand, because since her foot has not improved, it means that the damage that has been done it is permanent damage“.

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Since it is a permanent damage, for his son Michele there is only one solution: “The only thing we can do to help him is an operation, but they don’t even know if it will succeed. So my son he will have to wear the brace forever“.

Paola Caruso and little Michele: pain and the last hope

Paola Caruso can’t forgive herself what happened to the sonthat day in Egypt. A puncture carried out by the doctor that the showgirl trusted blindly, but which in the end made her little one paralyzed: “My son is a healthy child. One bill is an illness or an accident, but me I can’t forgive myself that day. I trusted that doctor, and now how can I tell my son that he will have to wear the brace forever? I suffer in a way that cannot be described.”

Now for Paola Caruso and her son there is still a hope to chase: “I talked to these doctors. Now let’s go to the USA, there is a clinic, one of the best in the world, for nerves. We go there in March for a consultation. I I have one chance to try and save him, and I can’t go wrong again. I feel guilty, she is paying for something that I decided, but trusting, not thinking that this could happen ”. The pain that has overwhelmed his family is unimaginable, and even the mood of the little one has changed significantly: “It’s not carefree, it’s changed. I’m always strong in front of him, but I don’t know what to do. I am praying in every way”.

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