Home » after his defeat, Banacloy said that this is “just beginning”

after his defeat, Banacloy said that this is “just beginning”

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after his defeat, Banacloy said that this is “just beginning”

The candidate of Orgullo Roquense, Carlos Banacloy, acknowledged tonight the defeat in the municipal elections of Roca, in which he competed against the current community chief, María Emilia Soria. «We congratulate the mayor for a great election and the recognition that the local electorate gave her“, he claimed.

The Minister of Production and Agro Industry, who is temporarily out of office due to his presentation in the local elections, spoke with BLACK RIVER RADIO and other media outside the Juntos Somos Río Negro bunker door.

«I think it was shown that there is a neighbor who demands another presence in the city from the Province. But we are sure that this is a project that has just been born. Today March 12 is the starting point of Roquense pride“, he sentenced.

The provincial official acknowledged that the presentation of collection lists could have been a “diffuse” strategy for citizens, due to their lack of habit. Although he did not highlight it as one of the causes of the defeat.

«I think that the electorate could have confused the collector lists, but we also come from a short campaign“, he highlighted. Let’s remember that Banacloy headed six lists as a candidate for mayor after a series of agreements with other parties.

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«This project has just been born and many people ask us how we continue. I think we have to have a different methodology. We have to start working from another place“he added. He also commented that the current management carried out a skillful strategy to “polarize” the election, through confrontation with the provincial government.

When asked by the journalists about whether he had communicated with the community chief after the victory, he affirmed that he had. Although from Soria had not yet received a response.

Finally, he was consulted about his future in politics. There Banancloy confirmed that he will resume his position as a member of the provincial cabinet until December 10the date on which the mandate of Governor Arabela Carreras ends.

«I have a commitment until December 10 and I will fulfill my term as minister. I also have a commitment to the productive sector », he concluded.

Tune in RIO NEGRO RADIO. Listen to us on FM 90.9 from Neuquén, on FM 105.7 from Roca, on rionegro.com.ar/radio or on our App.

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