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the student party for the 100 days before the exam

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the student party for the 100 days before the exam

Pesaro, 13 March 2023 – The future is among us: it is the high school graduates who today, for one hundred days before the final exam, they wore the party. The first test, in Italian, will take place on Wednesday 21 June 2023 at 8:30 with identical procedures in all institutes and a maximum duration of six hours. Stiletto heels, sequins and bow ties, all very elegantthe boys faced the long day of emotions: lunch with the teachers, hugs between classmates of a five-year period spent together and the prospect of a carefree evening at the disco, among Cocoricò e Peter.

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100 days maturity 2023: rites and tradition

“We at 5G – he comments Mauro Dorazi del Marconi, with a future as a management engineer – on this day of the 100 days that we feel is all ours, we are euphoric. Even if 100 days for the exam may seem few, with the solid preparation built up over five years we are quite calm, united and with clear ideas”.

Alice Pucci, Mamiani Linguistic VD class, speaks English, Spanish and French. “Today all of us students – he observes – shared an important day which marks the countdown of the 100 days to the final exam: the emotions are inexplicable. Also being able to celebrate 100 days was a great achievement for us. They have been difficult years – concludes the high school girl who dreams of studying economics and management for art and cultural heritage – because Covid has deprived us of so many freedoms that we have now taken back with a full smile: the same one that will continue to accompany us until the end of our school path, which however stressful or difficult it may have been, far or near we were, has always seen us united”.

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“Surely this is a day to be experienced – he comments Chiara Giovanelli, high school student at Marconi -Our time has come: for high school students this is a special day. A ritual that you watch for four years, fascinated, knowing that it is a passage for everyone. The exam? The examination commission is back with external professors: this is the novelty of this year. We envied the students who graduated with Covid, but we are not scared. We are focused on doing well. My dream? Become a doctor”

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