Home » Men’s well-being, what is the Wim Hof ​​method and what are the benefits

Men’s well-being, what is the Wim Hof ​​method and what are the benefits

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Men’s well-being, what is the Wim Hof ​​method and what are the benefits

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If you love to challenge yourself, if you are fascinated by extreme sports and survival techniques, if you are intrigued by the capabilities of the human body, then you probably already know the Wim Hof ​​method. It is a set of breathing techniques, exposure to cold and meditation practices developed by Wim Hof, a Dutch extreme athlete who holds several records (21 in the Guinness Book of Records) and also known as The Iceman precisely because of his to manage and control your body even at very low temperatures. An example? He ran a marathon on Everest in shorts. His method is aimed at improving physical and mental health, and general well-being through increased resistance to stress. In short, increase control and awareness.

What is the Wim Hof ​​method

If you’re a lazy person and don’t like stepping out of your comfort zone, what you’re about to read will probably make you turn up your nose. On the other hand, we are talking about a technique that leads us to touch our limits and obviously overcome them. If, on the other hand, you feel ready to fearlessly throw yourself into the ice relying only on the strength of your self-control, then Wim Hof ​​is the man to follow. His method consists of specific breathing exercises, which involve rapid inhalations and exhalations, followed by a prolonged period during which instead to hold the breath. It is not a relaxing type of breathing, but rather an activating one, which aims to raise the oxygen levels in the body and reduce the carbon dioxide levels to improve circulation. This is followed by exposure of the body to cold by taking, for example, icy showers or immersing oneself and standing still in water at a few degrees. The idea is that the body adapts to the cold over time, improving circulation and immune response as well as increasing the ability to react and manage stress. Finally, there is also an important meditation aspect, with breathing and visualization exercises.

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How to put it into practice

It is not an experiment for its own sake or a technique devised by some holy man, but it is a method scientifically studied and still analyzed by experts today. As with any new exercise or wellness program, it is always best to consult a doctor before starting: if all is well, you will therefore have to follow some fundamental steps, giving yourself time to master each step. Only in this way will you be able to enjoy the benefits of the method which acts on the autonomic nervous system, improving the immune system and reducing inflammation, generally helping the bodily functions to regain well-being and psychophysical balance. In short, it’s not just a physical workout but it’s a workout with yourself.

It all starts with breathing, to be done lying on your stomach and on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning. Inhale and exhale deeply through the mouth in a controlled manner using the diaphragm and bringing the air up to the chest. Once you understand this way of breathing, take 30 quick but always deep breaths. Once finished, exhale completely and hold your breath for as long as possible, timing yourself to keep an eye on improvements, repeating the operation. All this must be repeated for three cycles: perfect breathing will not be obtained immediately, but concentration and control will improve day by day, which are fundamental for continuing. In fact, it is only when this breathing will have no more secrets that it will be possible to move on to phase two, or that of the cold. The exposure begins in the shower, turning the knob all the way towards the blue symbol, directing the jet on the feet and hand by hand, rising up to the head, to be done every day for about 5 minutes. Obviously, approaching the Wim Hof ​​method in the summer will simplify things.


Don’t rush in this case too, give yourself time to get used to it and to understand how to resist cold showers, which will then turn into immersions. In short, very trendy cryotherapy also takes on new meanings and benefits. Whether it’s in a bathtub filled with cold water with even ice, or better still a lake, it doesn’t matter: it’s essential to challenge your body to tolerate the thermal shock, always working one step at a time, without burning steps to avoid to subject the body to unnecessary stress. Furthermore, going step by step helps to enter into a greater connection with the body, to understand its rhythms and needs, to appreciate its progress and understand the improvements. At the end of the course you will be able to breathe correctly without hyperventilating or creating anxiety, immerse yourself in the icy waters while maintaining focus and knowing how to manage every adversity with clarity.

The physical part, however, is associated with an equally important meditation, the third point of the Wim Hof ​​method. We were saying, it is not only physical but also mental training, which teaches us to concentrate and maintain lucidity in every situation, knowing perfectly the our body. Only through mindful meditation can physical strength be exploited, channeling energies in the right direction.

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