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Here are the valuable foods that amazingly improve thyroid health and function

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Those suffering from thyroid problems suffer numerous endocrine and hormonal imbalances in their body. If some dysfunctions of similar magnitude can be contained through the use of specific drugs, it is also important to follow a correct diet. For example, those with hypothyroidism know that a diet rich in iodine is important to ensure that this important gland in the body functions better. Another fundamental element for the optimal functioning of the thyroid is a mineral that is found in greater quantities in some foods. We are talking about selenium and below we explain why it is so important for those suffering from thyroid problems.

What is selenium used for for thyroid functions

If iodine is essential to produce thyroid hormones, selenium acts on the metabolism of these hormones. Its main function is antioxidant and counteracting free radicals that can generate oxidative stress. The role that selenium plays in the correct functioning of the metabolism at the thyroid level has been the subject of studies for several years now. This underlines the importance that such a mineral plays within the process. Basically, selenium acts in the process of converting thyroxine T4 into triiodothyronine T3 ensuring adequate thyroid function.

Here are the valuable foods that amazingly improve thyroid health and function

To facilitate the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, it is possible to follow a diet that guarantees an adequate supply of selenium to the body. In nature there are several foods that are a natural source of selenium. Among these we can indicate broccoli, fresh tuna and sardines, whole grains such as brown rice, mustard or sunflower seeds and dried fruit.

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Here are the valuable foods that amazingly improve thyroid health and function. It is always advisable not to abuse the suggested foods and to take them according to the quantities indicated by your doctor or trusted specialist. By following a healthy diet rich in all the necessary nutrients, you can maintain or improve the health of your thyroid and avoid hypothyroidism.


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