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The information published by the Washington Post is not true | Info

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The information published by the Washington Post is not true |  Info

Ukrainian official rejects Washington Post article: “Thanks for your support, but it’s not pleasant to read such lies.”

Source: Profimedia/ABACA

Secretary of the Ukrainian Council for National Security and Defense Oleksiy Danilov He said information published by the Washington Post about the lack of professional military personnel in Ukraine, due to losses on the front lines, and the suspicions of anonymous Ukrainian officials about “readiness of Kiev for the long-awaited spring offensive” are not true, writes the Kyiv Independent.

“We carefully followed these newspapers before February 24, when everyone unanimously told us that there would be problems, that we would not last. I can say that none of this is true,” said Danilov.

Danilov added that the situation is quite difficult considering that Ukraine has been repelling attacks from a larger country for more than a year, but he says that this does not surprise him.

“We knew it would be difficult for us. We are grateful to our partners for their support, but it is not pleasant to undermine the situation in our country by presenting information that is not correct,” said Danilov. He pointed out that all sources cited by the media are anonymous.


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