Home » The 7 startups that will revolutionize Italian smart cities

The 7 startups that will revolutionize Italian smart cities

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The 7 startups that will revolutionize Italian smart cities

Startups that work (but this also applies to technologies) are those that respond to real needs. This is the imprint that Tim and his partners wanted to give to Tim Smart City Challenge, the international competition designed to promote the growth of the Italian smart city ecosystem. On the occasion of the presentation of the relationship The Italy of smart and sustainable citieselaborated by the Tim Study Center with the CNR and the Digital Innovation Observatories of the Milan Polytechnic, the startups most worthy of attention have been revealed.

Seven excellences selected from 170 startups, scaleups and innovative companies mostly Italian (about 70%) called to present solutions to make cities increasingly intelligent, safe and sustainable, through applications that can be integrated into the Tim Urban Genius urban intelligence platform: “We will become the operating system of cities”, assured Elio Schiavo, chief enterprise and innovative solutions officer di Tim. And so here are the applications that are candidates to revolutionize the present and future of Italian cities.

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by our correspondent Emanuele Capone

Mine Crime, the crime database (awarded by Tim)

Mine Crime is the first Italian database on geolocated crime. It received the Tim award because it “provides a source of geolocated data on urban crimes that can be used to increase security in cities”. In fact, it has created a data archive (the largest in Europe, with 27 million events and 16,000 banks integrated data) constantly updated which can be queried to detect types of crimes, places, variations of phenomena over time and other parameters. statistics and a reporting system. Tim and Mine Crime have signed a collaboration agreement for the development and integration of solutions in this area.

iMoi, the 3D applied to road accidents (awarded by the Cnr)

iMoi is an Italian startup which was born with the vocation of security for smart cities. Among the various solutions developed, the CNR wanted to award a special prize to iCam3D, a 3D metric detection system that simplifies assessment and measurement activities, obtaining digital twins of accidents, scenes, specific areas and objects. In practice, a sort of tablet with a 3D video camera is used for all environmental detection (planimetric, metric, photographic and 3D), after which it is sufficient to use any accident management system for processing.

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UTwin, a digital twin for each co-domain (awarded by Edison Next)

UTwin is the startup that has developed a software that facilitates the management of property data intuitively and centrally. In practice, it allows property owners and managers to make decisions based on data, thus reducing costs, improving management activities and mitigating operational risks perhaps related to consumption and other spending segments. In this sense, the specialist Edison Next has recognized UTwin’s potential to contribute to the creation of digital twins for optimize activities management of assets, structures, energy and sensors.

Foot Analytics, the wifi that reveals flows in offices (awarded by eFM)

Foot Analytics is a startup from Barcelona which has developed a system that uses wifi to monitor the use of space inside offices, enabling effective real-time building management. In this way it is possible to detect the real needs, the behavioral trends of hybrid smart workers, increase sustainability and make maintenance, safety and communications with employees more efficient. This explains the reason for the prize awarded by eFM, specialized in creating workplaces capable of improve the availability of spaces in real timethe effectiveness of technologies and the quality of relationships.

G-move, an aid to public transport (awarded by Intesa Sanpaolo)

G-move is a startup that has developed a platform capable of providing statistics (number, time spent and travel) on attendance to optimize the management of physical spaces, for example in shops and urban areas. It stands out above all for the monitoring of people flows in urban public transport. The secret is in the detection of wifi signals emitted by smartphones within the coverage area of ​​each single sensor present in the monitoring areas. Obviously the solution complies 100% with the GDPR and worker protection laws.

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Pin Bike, gamification and the use of bikes (awarded by Bikeconomy)

Pin Bike has patented a monitoring system and the certification of urban travel by bicycle which allows the issue of economic incentives for those who use this means of transport. The technological system, based on the installation of a small sensor on the bikes, is already active in about 30 cities in Italy and abroad: it allows you to receive up to 25 cents per kilometer cycled and up to 80 euros per month. The accrued credit can be spent in local shops. In short, gamification at the service of the community and the environment.

Open Stage, smart stages for street artists (awarded by Startup Intelligence)

Open Stage has developed a smart totem which identifies areas where street artists can perform. It can be booked via app and provides a management platform and the technological equipment needed to perform live, such as mixers and speakers. At the same time it makes you discover and experience the city in a new way, since not only is a calendar of events created but the totem also integrates smart city services such as streaming and video surveillanceflow and anti-crowding sensors, air quality detection and so on.

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There are 237 startup incubators and accelerators in Italy. And they invoice 552 million

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Digitization starts from smart cities

“There is so much confusion about smart cities, the word is often used as a container suitable for everything and so there is the risk of weakening the choices of mayors and administrators who have a fundamental role in the innovation of the territories they govern – Schiavo said again – With Tim Urban Genius we created the first urban intelligence platform which allows all Italian administrations to make territories intelligent, because they are the primary source for collecting information useful for the life of citizens”. The data from the study confirm that in Italy, between now and 2027, investments in ICT solutions for smart cities will grow to approximately 1.6 billion euros, while globally the total expenditure will reach a value of over one trillion dollars.

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And the reason for these investments is due to the fact that the prospect is smart city applications based on 5G, IOT and AI can contribute to a total reduction of about 6.5 billion euros in city traffic costs and over 400 million euros in urban pollution costs “thanks to better planning of public and private transport and tourist flows”. an annual reduction of around 650 thousand tons of CO2 emissions, strategic support to the tourism industry and the optimization of services for citizens.

“Smart cities are starting to give a return on investment. And we provide an ecosystem to which different functions can be linked according to the characteristics of the territory – he pointed out Pietro Labriola, CEO of the Tim group – Here is the strength of connections: not only those of sensors but also of companies and startups that bring value. Together it is possible to innovate our society, provided we change our mindset, because we cannot wait for a crisis every time to stimulate change”.

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