Home » They discover in the Meta van with a sophisticated cove to transport cocaine – news

They discover in the Meta van with a sophisticated cove to transport cocaine – news

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They discover in the Meta van with a sophisticated cove to transport cocaine – news

The Anti-Narcotics Directorate found a sophisticated cache with 450 kilos of cocaine inside a van that was moving along a main road in the municipality of Mesetas, Meta.

Thanks to the information provided through the national anti-drug hotline 167, it was possible to establish that the vehicle had left with the alkaloid from the rural area of ​​the municipality of Inzá, Cauca and had as its final destination the municipality of Primavera in the department of Vichada.

For this fact, two individuals who were transported in the vehicle were captured, which were left at the disposal of the Attorney General’s Office.

According to Colonel Édgar Cárdenas, Director of Anti-Narcotics of the National Police, he pointed out that with this result, criminal finances are affected by approximately 2,700,000,000 pesos.

It is noteworthy that, this year, the National Police has managed to seize 53.8 tons of cocaine throughout the national territory.

Source: Anti-Narcotics Directorate of the National Police

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