Home » The Oscars “refuse” for the second year in a row that the president of Ukraine will deliver a speech – EntornoInteligente

The Oscars “refuse” for the second year in a row that the president of Ukraine will deliver a speech – EntornoInteligente

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The Oscars “refuse” for the second year in a row that the president of Ukraine will deliver a speech – EntornoInteligente

Apparently the Oscar have refused a request for Vlodymyr Zelenskyy deliver a speech during the ostentatious ceremony.

The Ukrainian President has been well received by other award galas, film festivals and even by the Bag of NY when pleading with the world to send help in their fight against Russia.

However, the Academy Awards they want nothing to do with him, according to Variety.

Zelenskyy hoped to follow his appearance by videoconference at the Berlin Film Festival last month with a virtual booth at the Oscarbut unfortunately, it seems to have been rejected.

Yes, just like the Beast in Beauty and the Beast, someone who needed help was turned down by the Academy as a cranky imaginary prince.

According to Variety, powerful Hollywood agent Mike Simpson of William Morris Endeavor pleaded with the Academy to let the Ukrainian leader speak.

However, his request has fallen on deaf ears.

It seems that the influence is limited, even in the upper echelons of Hollywood. Ouch.

Simpson became involved in urging the Academy to allow Zelenskyy speak on the night of Hollywood nights as he represents Aaron Kaufman.

Kaufman co-directed the documentary of Zelenskyy Superpower with Sean Penn, which premiered at the aforementioned Berlin Film Festival last month.

Penn, who gave away his famous Oscar to Zelenskyyhas called on the US government to do more to support Ukraine during its press tour for the film.

The director called for “the delivery and supply of long-range precision missiles.”

Penn also introduced Zelenskyy at the Golden Globes in January, where the Ukrainian President reiterated his message from last year.

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He told members of the entertainment industry that Ukraine will win the war against Russia.

Zelenskyy he also applauded “the free people of the free world, those who came together to support the free Ukrainian people.”

So some Hollywood. But now all.

It is the second year in a row that the Academy has ignored the requests of the President of Ukraine.

Variety reports that Oscar producer Will Packer turned down an appearance by Zelenskyy last year because he feared that Hollywood would face backlash for favoring white war victims.

So instead they have chosen to ignore everyone from Syria to Yemen to Ukraine.

Good job, gang.

Sound logic from people in power who could make a significant change by dipping into their bank accounts.

ENLACE ORIGINAL: The Oscars has ‘rejected’ Ukraine’s President from making a speech for the second year in a row (unilad.com)

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