Home » Edison relaunches nuclear power in Italy. And now the government is facilitating the technologies

Edison relaunches nuclear power in Italy. And now the government is facilitating the technologies

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Edison relaunches nuclear power in Italy.  And now the government is facilitating the technologies

Edison relaunches the nuclear energy option for the energy transition. Renewables are not enough

Finally the nuclear it is no longer a taboo and dutifully returns to the parlor of political debate. The conference organized today in Milan in the historic shareholders’ room of the Edison in Foro Bonaparte from Adam Smith Society together with Edison, it brings the nuclear option back to the center of strategic choices for the future of Italy as a safe, clean, reliable and sustainable source of energy.

Four requisites that sweep away many perplexities still present on the national political scene, to which must be added the inclusion by Brussels nuclear energy as a useful option to complete the energy transition to one carbon neutrality of the EU in 2050.

All the interventions have brought some incontrovertible realities into the open without pretense. First: le wind renewables e photovoltaic they will not be able to meet the demand for necessary electricity that our country has and will need in the near future.

Especially if it extends the speech to hydrogen e to the electric car without forgetting the most energy-intensive companies, including glass, concrete but above all steel, let us not forget that the Ilva of Taranto it is the largest steel mill in Europe, requiring increasing amounts of electricity. Without energy there is no economic growth. This is true for Europe and for Italy which fortunately, despite having abandoned the nuclear in 1987, it has managed to maintain excellent skills over time that can re-emerge today in all their prestige.

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The choice nuclear it is feasible, convenient, desirable and safe, it is complementary to renewable. The issues to be addressed do not concern so much the technologies, which exist and are tested, but the institutions that must accompany this journey. The guidelines of EdisonAnsaldo, as well as those of universities and private companies such as Arpingeis unanimous on the choice of third generation plus SMR reactors (small modular reactor), small 250/300 Megawatt modular power plants that offer advantages in terms of risk reduction in the supply chain, shorter construction times, lower costs, flexibility of use, safety passive, well adaptable to the Italian territory.

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