Home » Rainbow families in the square, Schlein: “The law for Parliament is ready” – breaking latest news

Rainbow families in the square, Schlein: “The law for Parliament is ready” – breaking latest news

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Rainbow families in the square, Schlein: “The law for Parliament is ready” – breaking latest news

Rainbow families and Lgbtq+ associations took to the streets in Milan to protest against the stop imposed by the Municipality on the registrations of the children of same-parent couples.

The Pd secretary also took part in the initiative Elly Schlein and Mayor Giuseppe Sala. Also present were the group leader in the Senate of the Pd Simona Malpezzi and the councilor for culture of the Municipality of Milan Tommaso Sacchi. “It’s a beautiful square that calls and asks for rights – said Sacchi – Milan has done its part”.

“We are already moving and there is here too Alessandro Zan to carry forward the expectations that have emerged from the square also in Parliament. That is to be able to see recognized by law the right of homoparental couples “, Schlein said. “With a law prepared and written together with the associations, rainbow families and the Lenford network – he concluded -. We will be by their side as in the square also in Parliament.

Society, continued the leader of the Democratic Party, “realizes that those who govern the country today have cruelly attacked these boys and girls, but they are children like everyone else and they already go to our schools, they are growing up in our communities. They are not “There is no reason to deny their recognition, their right to exist in this community. We will also go ahead with this law in parliament and we will do it in all places where it will be necessary”.

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According to the organizers there are 10 thousand people who took to the streets. Surprisingly, the mayor of Milan also arrived, who at first said he would not participate. “I’m always with you, I’ve been from the first moment,” she said bringing her greeting from the stage.

“I am always with you, as I always have been. We have a big problem and there is a regulatory vacuum that needs to be filled. As we have all already understood, this government is doing everything possible to take everything and to humiliate those who do not think like They are also trying to bring the cities to the right with the reform of the electoral law of the municipalities,” Sala said.

“I really like Elly Schlein as a person and as a woman because she is a fighter. The time has come to stop these clashes between right and left because civil rights are everyone’s rights, including Giorgia Meloni and her daughter”, he said Francesca PascaleSilvio Berlusconi’s former partner who is now married to the singer Paola Turci, arriving in Piazza Scala. “You should reflect – she said – because it is not a guerrilla war between homosexuals and heterosexuals”.

“I would like to say that Paola Turci is my wife – he added -, but she is not my wife, I am civilly united with her. Yet, I do not feel different from a heterosexual couple: Why can’t it be, why doesn’t Salvini like it? I define Salvini homophobic, I define the sovereigns as homophobic, the parties that go arm in arm with Orban, racist and crazy. I don’t want to insult anyone. They annoyed with this hatred. This is why I have faith in the figure of Giorgia Meloni. I never voted for Brothers of Italy, but I want to have faith in the woman she is”.

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Thousands of pens raised to the sky in Piazza Scala in Milan to demand rights for the sons and daughters of same-sex parent couples: it is the flashmob that concluded the event

Protesters raised ballpoint pens to the sky for signatures that mayors can no longer do. “The family is what we build ourselves with our affections, our loves and our friendships – the organizers punctuated from the stage – we will not allow the government to decide who is a child of this country”.

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