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poisonous stew

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poisonous stew

It is at least disturbing that at the same time three phenomena that are affecting the country are known and are beginning to be analysed. The fact that VIS home sales have plummeted to levels they only saw during the pandemic indicates that the country has again lost confidence and that the unease felt in many of the big cities is becoming contagious.

Vargas Lleras had already warned about this in one of his Sunday columns, but what was not known was that today some 200,000 homes are under construction, which generate at least 800,000 jobs and that if they stop being sold they will generate a domino.

But if at the same time the news is verified that the value of a gram of gold worldwide has triggered illegal mining for obvious reasons. And as this economic news is also known when, supported or not by the lords of the Gulf, there has been a protest stoppage of the medium-sized miners who bought machinery to fulfill their ambition of being great exploiters of gold nuggets, any solution that arises ends up being a bristly porcupine.

And the reason is very simple, because since neither the government nor the banks finance gold investments that have not been bureaucratically registered, the owners of dizzying silver finance the purchase of dragons and bulldozers since gold is more profitable than coca.

And so that the cake does not run out of icing, the news in the Spanish press that we commented on here a couple of months ago about the cocaine crisis has become a reality and has grown disproportionately.

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Cocaine is already going out of fashion, surpassed by tusi or opioids, but since there are no buyers for coca paste and the cost of inputs to process it has risen, peasants tend to plant coffee again.

In other words, the national sancocho is overloading us with ingredients so that we rationally fear that it could be poisonous.


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