Home » Rovigo, a 4-year-old boy found dead in the Adigetto. He played by the canal

Rovigo, a 4-year-old boy found dead in the Adigetto. He played by the canal

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Rovigo, a 4-year-old boy found dead in the Adigetto.  He played by the canal

Tragedy in Rovigo, a 4-year-old boy swallowed up by the Adigetto canal

And bambino of just 4 years it has been found lifeless After 5 ore research. The little one had lost track of him and the padre he had immediately given the alarm. The accident occurred at Fratta Polesine in the province of Rovigo. Firefighters on patrol on a dinghy they found the body a 700 meters downstreamin the cold waters of the Adigetto channel: the rescuers saw and recovered the floating body of the child, slipped into the water around 18.30 and found lifeless at 23.30.

The salma – reports the Resto del Carlino – it was recovered and after the doctor’s confirmation of death, she was made available of the judicial authority. The accident happened in the late afternoon in Fratta Polesine (Rovigo). The child apparently was in father’s companywho immediately raised the alarm when he could no longer be found in the place where he played. The carabinieri are trying to understand exactly the dynamics of the episode.

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