Home » Alpine skiing: ÖSV brings Assinger back as women’s boss

Alpine skiing: ÖSV brings Assinger back as women’s boss

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Alpine skiing: ÖSV brings Assinger back as women’s boss

Alpine skiing

After a weak season for the local skiers – apart from a few bright spots – the Austrian Ski Association (ÖSV) drew personnel consequences in the executive floor a few days after the season finale. Thomas Trinker has to go after just one year as the women’s racing manager, Roland Assinger takes over. For the 49-year-old Carinthian it is a return to the ÖSV.

Assinger already worked in various positions as a trainer at ÖSV from 2008 to 2020, his last function was that of speed head trainer. The former downhill skier, who for the past three years worked as a ski trainer for young talents at the Sportgymnasium Davos in Switzerland, will take over as women’s boss on April 1st. Trinker had only held the post for a year.

“Last season definitely didn’t go according to plan and was anything but satisfactory. After numerous discussions and a precise analysis of the current situation, we have come to the decision that we want to go into the next season with Roland Assinger as the new women’s boss,” commented ÖSV Alpine boss Herbert Mandl on the decision.

GEPA/Harald Steiner

Trinker (Mi.) has to resign after just one year as women’s head coach

The Austrian women fell far short of expectations in the past World Cup winter. With only nine podium finishes – two wins, four second places and three third places – the red-white-red women in the World Cup were their worst since 2016/17. Back then, the Austrians ended the winter with just one win, two second places and four third places.

Calm should return

Assinger now wants to pull the muddled cart back out of the sporting swamp. The Carinthian sees his absence from the association in the past three years as an advantage: “I’m therefore approaching this task totally unaffected. It is definitely a big and very exciting challenge. The most important thing now is that calm returns and I can plan the new season together with the athletes and the coaching team,” says the new women’s boss.

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