Home » Coronavirus, four regions travel to the yellow zone: Abruzzo, Campania, Marche and Sicily

Coronavirus, four regions travel to the yellow zone: Abruzzo, Campania, Marche and Sicily

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The Delta variant runs throughout Europe and also in Italy the infections date back. In the country the impact of the Delta variant has almost reached 30% and travels towards 70% which according to the simulations should be reached in August. With the current, disputed, parameters in force, four regions are already traveling towards the yellow zone: Abruzzo, Campania, Marche and Sicily. Currently, among the parameters under the lens of the Ministry of Health and the CTS is the incidence of the new coronavirus per 100 thousand inhabitants: if they exceed 50 cases, they pass into the yellow zone. The alarm goes off with a combination of infections (Rt), exceeding the occupancy rate of the medical areas by 40% and that of intensive care by 30%.

Sileri: “At the moment there is no need to return to the yellow zone”

Undersecretary of Health Pierpaolo Sileri, guest of “24 Mattina” on Radio24, throws water on the fire. “At the moment I don’t see, with the current numbers, the need for a return of some regions in the yellow zone. To date there is no such risk, but let’s see what happens in the coming weeks, ”said the undersecretary. “We have low numbers and at the moment I don’t even see the return of restrictions.”


The Delta variant will become prevalent

“It is wonderful to see the squares full, but it is clear that an increasing number of infections will be observed as has been observed in other European countries”, said Sileri, guest of ’24 Mattina ‘on Radio24. «I believe that the Delta variant will become prevalent and will unfortunately happen much sooner. By the end of the month, I fear the infections that have occurred today ».

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Pressures for changing parameters

Discussions have already begun between the regions and the government and within the majority. Many are lobbying for a review of the parameters as the numbers of hospitalizations and intensive care are low. The request is to change the weight of the parameters, giving greater importance to hospitalizations than positive cases. Governors argue that as the vaccination campaign progresses, the parameters should be changed. Because it is true that infections are advancing, but medical wards and intensive care units are low. For now, Health Minister Roberto Speranza is not on the same wavelength as the regions. For him the number of non-immunized Italians is still too high. The new positive cases are recorded above all among the unvaccinated, while for those who are vaccinated and infected, the most fragmented consequences are close to zero.

Coronavirus, national Rt up to 0.66: Abruzzo and Sardinia to 1.09

Federalberghi’s concern

There is concern among hoteliers who are witnessing a resurgence of tourism. «We do not even take into consideration the possibility of passing some regions in the yellow zone and we clearly say that even the possible announcement effect alone risks creating a shower of cancellations. Is that what we want? », Said the president of Federalberghi, Bernabò Bocca, at the ‘Giorno-Resto del Carlino-La Nazione’. «The data on occupancy of the beds in the covid wards remains very low, fortunately, and General Figliuolo is doing his job well and the vaccinations are continuing at a good pace. If we start to frighten people, people will no longer book – he adds – if the situation really worsens, which no one hopes, measures will be taken but to say now that perhaps some regions will be yellow or orange in August is masochism. Let’s not bandage our heads before we have broken it ».

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