Home » New details about the “Northern Stream” bombings | abbreviations

New details about the “Northern Stream” bombings | abbreviations

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New details about the “Northern Stream” bombings |  abbreviations
The Times newspaper reported that a Danish ship, a Swedish plane and a control ship carried out unusual maneuvers near the “Northern Stream” gas pipelines 4 days before the explosions, according to what was revealed by “Novosti” agency.

This was reported by a Danish researcher and data from ship tracking services. According to the newspaper, the Danish ship P524 Nymfen, which tracks the movement of Russian ships, unexpectedly deviated from its usual course at the end of September, and for the first time, in several years, the ship passed Bornholm Island and headed northeast, after which it stopped for half an hour and turned off the transmitters. and reception, then disappeared from international tracking systems for several hours. A few minutes later, a Swedish Air Force reconnaissance plane began flying nearby, and a Swedish patrol ship was also seen.

“In fact it appears that the Danish surveillance ship has been circling the site of the explosion for some reason,” said former Danish intelligence officer Jacob Carspo. No unusual activity was observed on the part of the Russian ships, according to the newspaper.

A source close to the investigation into the terrorist attacks in Germany said investigators were no closer to solving the case. “We honestly don’t know who did this,” he said.

German Attorney General Peter Frank said yesterday that the German investigations into the “Northern Stream” bombings are still “directed against an unknown person”, at a time when the distinguished American journalist Seymour Hersh published an article stating that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been supporting since last fall attempts Washington to hide information about the bombing of the “Northern Stream” pipeline.

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Hersh had revealed earlier that the United States and Norway were involved in the bombings, then a narrative appeared in the Western media claiming that a “pro-Ukrainian group” was behind the bombing, fabricated by the American and German intelligence agencies to falsely cover up the accusations facing Washington.

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