Home » Party of Robledo and Fajardo seeks to consolidate in Cesar

Party of Robledo and Fajardo seeks to consolidate in Cesar

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Party of Robledo and Fajardo seeks to consolidate in Cesar

The political party Dignity and Commitment held the first departmental assembly this Friday in Valledupar with the aim of formalizing the management group in Cesar and start the construction of municipal structures.

The community received legal status after the merger between the Dignity party, founded by former senator Jorge Enrique Robledoand the Compromiso movement, led by former presidential candidate Sergio Fajardo, who got more than 6,000 votes in the 2022 elections in the department of Cesar.

“This is the synthesis of a process in which we were working more and more coordinated, sharing more proposals, until we made the decision to integrate as a new political organization,” explained Juan Manuel Ospina, national co-president of the party.


Before the union, Dignidad had about 500 militants in Cesar, according to María José Guerra, director of the group. For its part, the Compromiso movement also functioned as a structure for political formation at the local level.

Although they do not yet have official candidacies, the representatives of Compromiso y Dignidad believe that with the creation of a decentralized organizational base, plus experience, could interpret what the public is proposing and reach the mayors, councils and other institutions in the next elections.

One of the flags of the organization is the fight against corruption and solve the needs of the citizenry.

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