Home » Elena Barolo between the gym, Juve and the obsession with cellulite

Elena Barolo between the gym, Juve and the obsession with cellulite

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The showgirl and former tissue tells how she keeps fit between training and nutrition: “I eat little of everything”

Elena Barolo grew up playing sports. He started at 4, attending dance classes, and then he never stopped. Showgirl and former tissue of Strip the news, on Instagram it is followed by almost 270 thousand followers, to which he shows wonderful shots and a body always at the top.

Elena, what is your relationship with sport?

“I have been studying classical and contemporary dance for almost 15 years, from the age of 4 onwards. I had a year off due to high school, but I recovered with the experience of Strip the news. At that time I was training every day. After that I didn’t have much time to train, but I was able to keep myself. For some years now I have started doing gymnastics at home ”.

Do you have a workout routine?

I try to train 2 or 3 times a week, I have memorized some exercises. I invent circuits of an hour and a half between dance, squats and abs. And then… One exercise leads to another! I also tried yoga following courses on the internet, I find it fun. I’ve never taken a real yoga class, I’d like to ”.

“I followed football for some time when I worked at the Biscardi Process, and then I follow Juve, my favorite team. In addition to Italy, of course. When I was a child, I liked Formula 1 a lot, but then I abandoned it. I also follow him to be informed, but I’m not sick “.

Let’s move on to nutrition: do you follow a diet?

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“I have never followed a particular diet. I have never gone to a dietician and so far I have not needed it. I eat very little of everything, I don’t try anything: not even chocolate! Wine? I am almost non-alcoholic, I drink very little. water and I really like fruit and vegetables ”.

“I am so fond of Russian salad and mayonnaise. Just like the vitello tonnato, in short, things that do very badly! ”.

What about her beauty secrets?

“I am obsessed with cellulite and that is why I dedicate a lot of time to body care. Every morning I use the cream and then I do many face masks. Rituals that I do at home, I buy the best products and I go to the beautician just to the essentials. Other secrets? Leg wraps and scrubs “.

Any plans for this summer?

“I will enjoy the Italian sea between Sardinia, Tuscany, Forte dei Marmi and Cortona, in the Arezzo area”.

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