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Balneari, Tajani: “a solution must be found”

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Balneari, Tajani: “a solution must be found”

Balneari, Tajani: “burning issue, we need to find a solution”

The game is still decidedly open. Proof of this is the fact that the foreign minister, Antonio Tajani reiterated the need to find a solution to the issue of tenders for Italian shores in accordance with the provisions of Community legislation. Tajani admitted that “the issue is hot” and “a solution must be found”.

The minister recalled how “there are Italian and European sentences and rules to be respected, but at the same time the government intends to protect businesses, those who work and those who produce”.

Tajani also recalled how “Italy has a peculiarity, 7,000 kilometers of coastline. Therefore we must protect businesses, and the parliament is working to find a positive solution, which will allow our businesses to continue to operate”.

The solution is not at hand

The Milleproroghe has extended the licenses by one year. However, precisely on the occasion of the promulgation of the law, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella recalled how it is necessary to respect the indications of Brussels to avoid infringement procedures.

Not only. A few hours after the provision came into force, a sentence of the Council of State invited the administrations to disapply the Milleproroghe to avoid incurring disputes. So now there is the concrete risk that each body will regulate itself as it sees fit, just as the State carries out a mapping of the shores which has been awaited for years.

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