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Putin’s Threat: Nuclear Weapons in Belarus

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breaking latest news – “We are not transferring ours tactical nuclear weapons to Belarusbut we will deploy them and train the military, just as the United States does in Europe”. The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, said this in an interview with journalist Vladimir Soloviev.

The head of the Kremlin thus announced an agreement with his loyal Belarusian ally for the deployment of warheads in the territory of the former Soviet republic, which borders Ukraine. Putin assured on public television that no such agreement does not violate disarmament treaties and that construction of a special depot for tactical nuclear weapons will be completed on 1 July.

Specifically, the Russian leader revealed that 10 aircraft will be operational in Belaruscapable of carrying such weapons and that Moscow handed over i missili Iskander, while crew training will begin on 3 April. Putin then explained that “the statements from London were the reason” that triggered negotiations with the Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko“although Minsk has been asking for Russian tactical nuclear weapons to be placed on its territory for some time”.

“The US behind the sabotage of Nord Stream”

Putin then returned to pointing the finger at Washington for the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. “I completely agree with the conclusions that the explosions at the” Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 “gas pipelines are the work of US intelligence agencies,” he said.

The partnership with Xi

“The leader of the People’s Republic of China is a very interesting interlocutor, he knows everything in detail”, Putin continued, mentioning the recent visit to Moscow by Xi Jinping. “Sitting by the fireplace and drinking tea, we talked about everything calmly”, added Putin, “we addressed the international situation and the leader of the People’s Republic of China paid close attention to revealing the positive beginnings of the Chinese peace plan“.

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“We talked about the international situation in a variety of aspects. The Chinese president paid close attention to revealing the positive principles of the Chinese plan for a peaceful solution to the situation in Ukraine,” Putin said again in an interview with journalist Pavel Zarubin for the program” Moscow, Kremlin, Putin”, which aired on the Rossiya-24 TV channel.
The story of the Russian leader refers to the first day of Xi’s state visit to Moscow. “We had a business lunch. Then, as a friend, I invited the president to move to another room. I have an apartment here, where I spend a lot of time lately,” the president of the Russian Federation said. “We moved there. Sitting by the fireplace and drinking tea, we talked about everything slowly,” he added.

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