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Cars, a (definitive) slap from the EU to Italy. “No text changes”

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Cars, a (definitive) slap from the EU to Italy.  “No text changes”

But Italy insists and asks for time for the exam and the point on e-fuels

New slap to Italy on the stop from 2035 to petrol and diesel cars. Brussels has closed an agreement with Germany and now the game seems closed, even if the Meloni government insists and asks for more time.

The regulation of CO2 emissions from cars” which contains the stop to the sale of petrol or diesel vehicles from 2035 “it will not be open to modifications” and therefore “a final decision could be reached tomorrow, provided that this morning there is an agreement between the member states” at the meeting of EU diplomats. This was stated by a senior EU official in view of tomorrow’s EU Energy Council .

The same source specified that the agreement reached over the weekend between the European Commission and the Berlin government on efuels “concerns recital 11” of the text “already contained in the current regulation”. The Commission and Germany have therefore agreed on the procedures for presenting an ad hoc regulation on efuels which does not change the text on the ban on combustion engines which could end up on the table of the Energy Ministers for approval tomorrow the final. Biofuels thus remain out of the text.

Italy asks for time to examine the point of e-fuels

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