Home » To fight cholesterol after the age of 50 this is the very simple strategy to follow

To fight cholesterol after the age of 50 this is the very simple strategy to follow

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After the age of 50, everything changes and to fight cholesterol you have to follow this strategy
Not everyone knows that at the age of 50 bad cholesterol tends to increase even for women. The latter, in fact, are usually less at risk than men. However, with the advent of menopause, the values ​​inevitably change.

Therefore, not only hot flashes and difficulties in keeping the figure but for women this moment is also delicate for the increase in cholesterol. Hormonal and metabolic alterations can affect the entire health of the body.
With menopause, estrogen levels in the blood are reduced and risk factors increase.

According to the experts of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, when bad cholesterol increases, it also favors the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. These make blood circulation more difficult.

Before understanding how to behave to keep cholesterol under control in menopause, we recommend reading:
a) “Incredible news for those suffering from high bad cholesterol because there is no longer any need to give up these beloved foods, says science”.
b) “9 foods with the highest content of vitamin D that save the heart and protect the bones”.
c) “Be careful because we can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 10-12% simply by changing this habit”.

To fight cholesterol after the age of 50 this is the very simple strategy to follow

For experts, to prevent and fight cholesterol in menopause, these golden rules should be followed:

a) keep fit, without radical weight fluctuations;
b) play sports (even just a walk) 4 or 5 times a week;
c) eat fish 3-4 times a week;
d) avoid animal fats and prefer vegetable oils;
e) reduce sugars and opt for whole grains and foods rich in fiber;
f) reduce the consumption of fatty meats and dairy products;
g) choose soy from time to time;
h) consult the family doctor to understand if and when it is appropriate to resort to specific drugs.

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Therefore, to fight cholesterol after the age of 50 this is the very simple strategy to follow.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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