Home » Grow vegetables and flowers with potting soil | > – Guide

Grow vegetables and flowers with potting soil | > – Guide

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Grow vegetables and flowers with potting soil |  > – Guide

Status: 03/24/2023 10:40 a.m

As early as February, gardeners can prefer some types of vegetables or flowers on the windowsill. Special growing soil guarantees strong roots.

With the For many gardeners, the season begins as early as February when vegetables or flowers are brought forward. The plants are then moved to the outdoor bed later in the year. Two factors are particularly important for successful sowing: qualitative high-quality seeds and special potting soil, also known as seed soil.

What is the advantage of potting soil?

Potting soil is very loose and contains relatively few nutrients compared to conventional potting soil. Therefore, the young seedlings do not grow too quickly, but form deep, well-branched roots. If the young plants are placed in normal potting soil a few weeks later, the roots can absorb the nutrients better. Cultivation soil is also largely germ-free, so that the risk of diseases caused by fungal spores or pests is reduced.

What is seed soil made of?

Up until a few years ago, commercial potting soil consisted essentially of two-thirds peat and one-third sand. More and more suppliers are now also offering peat-free soil to protect the moors. This is often enriched with green compost, wood or coconut fibers and mineral components, for example. For example, perlite, a foamed volcanic mineral, ensures good ventilation while at the same time preventing waterlogging.

Make soil for growing yourself

If you don’t want to buy the earth, you can simply make it yourself. Garden soil, sand and mature compost are mixed in equal parts. The garden soil should contain as few weeds as possible, so take soil from deeper layers or from molehills to be on the safe side. It is best to additionally enrich the soil with perlite. You can buy them at hardware stores or garden stores.

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Sieve the soil mixture well and then heat sterilize it. The easiest way is to put the potting soil on an old baking tray and heat it in the oven at 120 degrees (top/bottom heat) for about 45 minutes.

AUDIO: Sowing seeds: The sowing begins! (41 mins)

Further information

Pepper seedlings © Fotolia Photo: Petra Schüller

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