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Mattarella meets Meloni to talk about bills, migrants and contracts

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Mattarella meets Meloni to talk about bills, migrants and contracts

Meloni, breakfast with Mattarella to talk about migrants, contracts and bills

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni canceled his trip to Udine due to the closure of the Northern League’s re-nomination campaign Massimiliano Fedriga. According to reports from government sources, the prime minister will connect with the center-right demonstration, referred to 17.30 Matteo Salvini and Antonio Tajani are expected. The cancellation of the trip, it is reported, was due to the continuation of the long conversation with Sergio Mattarella on current political issues.

Breakfast at the Quirinale between the president of Republic Sergio Mattarella and the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had as their subject the measures on the table, in particular the new procurement code and the issue of the implementation of the Pnrr. According to what is learnedthe head of the State and the premier also addressed the issues of the migrant emergency and the new decree bills.

“It was a long conversation, held in an atmosphere of cordiality and collaboration”. This is how sources from the Quirinale described the lunch between the prime minister and the tenant of the Colle.

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