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Carrying forward the spirit of Jinggangshan and striving to make new achievements in educating talents for the party- Qiushi.com

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Carrying forward the spirit of Jinggangshan and striving to make new achievements in educating talents for the party- Qiushi.com

Carrying forward the spirit of Jinggangshan and making new achievements in educating talents for the party

Mei Liming

General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the celebration meeting for the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Central Party School and the opening ceremony of the 2023 spring semester. He made a comprehensive and profound exposition on the party school’s original intention of “cultivating talents for the party and providing suggestions for the party”, which is to guide the cause of the party school in the new era. Developmental programmatic literature. For more than 100 years, under the leadership of the Party, cadre education and training has made important contributions to cultivating Party cadres and serving the cause of the Party and the people. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the cadre education and training work front has thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, keeping in mind the foundation of the establishment of a school that “the Party school is surnamed the Party”, A large number of outstanding cadres have been trained to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and play an important role in promoting the implementation of the party’s political line, ideological line, organizational line, and mass line, and advancing the party’s cause and party building.

Jinggangshan is the cradle of Chinese revolution. More than 90 years ago, the Chinese Communists, mainly represented by Comrade Mao Zedong, led troops to Jinggang at a critical juncture of the Chinese revolution, established China’s first rural revolutionary base, and ignited the spark of the armed separatism of workers and peasants. The great practice of the Jinggangshan struggle is of key significance to the exploration and choice of the Chinese revolutionary road and to the growth of the Chinese Communist Party and the people’s army. The most precious treasure left to us during the Jinggangshan period is the spirit of Jinggangshan that spans time and space. The most important aspect of the Jinggangshan spirit is firm belief, hard work, seeking truth from facts, daring to break new ground, relying on the masses, and being brave to win. The Chinese Soviet Republic, established in Ruijin, Jiangxi Province in 1931, was the first national worker-peasant democratic regime in Chinese history, and it was an important attempt by our party to govern in some areas. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The spirit of Jinggangshan and the spirit of the Soviet area carry the original aspiration and mission of the Chinese Communists and forge the great revolutionary spirit of the Chinese Communist Party. These great revolutionary spirits span time and space and are never out of date. The inexhaustible spiritual power of the mission.” China’s Jinggangshan Cadre Academy must thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, always adhere to the original intention of the party school, and make good use of the struggle in Jinggangshan and the legacy left by the Central Soviet Area period in accordance with the functional orientation assigned by the Party Central Committee Unique red resources and precious spiritual wealth, strive to show new deeds and make new achievements in educating talents and making suggestions for the party.

  1. Adhere to the party school’s surname as the party, and make every effort to realize the unique value of educating talents for the party

Cadre education and training has always been an important part of the party’s cause. In May 1924, the Party’s first enlarged meeting of the Central Executive Committee held that: “The issue of inner-party education is very important, and it is urgent to establish a party school to cultivate guiding talents.” In January 1925, the Party’s Four Congresses reiterated: “ In addition to the role of the branch, the party’s educational institutions also set up party schools when possible to systematically educate party members… It is necessary to enhance the deep understanding of communism among party members.” At that time, there were only more than 900 party members nationwide, and we The party attaches so much importance to the establishment of party schools. During the difficult period of struggle in Jinggangshan, our party also repeatedly emphasized that “it is necessary to regularly set up party training courses to train cadres” and “to hold as many short-term training courses as possible to cultivate cadres and talents”. The officer teaching team founded by Comrade Mao Zedong not only trained a group of military talents for the Jinggangshan struggle, but also accumulated valuable experience for the establishment of our military academies. In December 1929, Comrade Mao Zedong put forward the major political principles of ideologically building the party and politically building the army at the Gutian Conference, demanding that the party’s ranks be organized and armed ideologically and politically. In March 1933, the Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China established the Marxist School of Communism in the Soviet Area, which was the predecessor of the Central Party School. It was closed in October 1934 during the Long March of the Red Army. In one and a half years, three batches of students from the elementary class, intermediate class, and advanced class graduated from the Marxist Communist School. Among them, there are grassroots cadres and senior cadres, party, government, military, and mass organization cadres. They have made great contributions to the cause of the Chinese revolution. .

Red resources are a witness to our party’s arduous and glorious struggle, and they are the most precious spiritual wealth. The China Jinggangshan Cadre Academy makes full use of red resources and organizes students to study on-site at the former red residences in and around Jinggangshan. The picture shows that on March 27, 2023, the teachers of the college carried out on-site teaching in the former residence of Comrade Mao Zedong in Ciping.Photo courtesy of China Jinggangshan Cadre Academy

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  To educate talents for the party, we must adhere to the correct political direction.The party school is surnamed the party, and the party’s banner must first be displayed. During the period of the Central Soviet Area, it was clearly stipulated that the founding purpose of the Marxist School of Communism was: to cultivate cadres who are infinitely loyal to the party and to the workers and peasants; The dirty things brought in enable everyone to adapt to the needs of the Agrarian Revolutionary War and contribute to the complete smashing of the Kuomintang counter-revolutionary “encirclement and suppression”. Although each historical stage has its own special historical mission, the Party School’s original intention of “cultivating talents for the Party and providing advice for the Party” remains unchanged. The college adheres to the fundamental principle that the party school is surnamed the party, focuses on the center and serves the overall situation, and puts a clear-cut stand on politics in the first place, so that all scientific research activities, all teaching activities, and all school-running activities adhere to political principles and party spirit principles to ensure that the direction of development is not lost. The road is not biased. In-depth study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is the primary political task of the whole party at present and in the future. Focusing closely on this primary political task, the college has developed special courses such as “Comprehensively Promoting the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation with Chinese-style Modernization”, and opened special training courses such as “Learning the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and keeping in mind the ‘Three Musts'”. The series of special training courses on the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China guide students to comprehensively study, grasp and fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

  In order to cultivate talents for the party, we must define the function of the quasi-college.The function assigned to the college by the Party Central Committee is to “construct the college into a national revolutionary traditional education and basic national conditions education base, a melting pot for improving the quality and skills of leading cadres, a window for international training exchanges and cooperation, and motivating the majority of party members and cadres to maintain revolutionary youth forever. ‘gas station'”. The college has a precise positioning, conscientiously implements the general requirements of party building in the new era, focuses on the main goal of cultivating a loyal, clean and responsible team of high-quality professional cadres, deeply excavates the unique red resources of Jinggangshan and the Central Soviet Area, and deeply develops the Chinese characteristics of Xi Jinping’s new era Vivid practice cases of socialist ideology in the old revolutionary base areas of Jiangxi, creating high-quality courses, innovating teaching forms, guiding students to deeply understand the decisive significance of “two establishments” in the combination of history and reality, theory and practice, content and form, and constantly Strengthen the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidence”, and achieve “two maintenances”.

  2. Focus on the main courses and enhance the systematic and targeted effectiveness of education and training

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that to comprehensively build a socialist modern country, we must have a cadre team with strong political skills, adapt to the requirements of the new era, and have the ability to lead modernization construction. Centering on the new requirements of the new journey for the construction of the cadre team, the college focuses on the main courses, and builds a system centered on Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, with “theoretical education, red gene inheritance, party constitution, party rules, and party discipline education, and ability improvement. “The characteristic curriculum system with four major sections as the main content, solidly promotes the deep integration of theoretical education, party spirit education and professional ability training, and continuously enhances the era, system, pertinence and effectiveness of education and training.

  Theoretical education strives to be systematic and in-depth, helping students to recite the “truth” well.“The Big Dipper in the sky is the brightest, and the water of Maoping River is shining with silver light. People in Jinggangshan look up, and the lights of the octagonal building shine in all directions. Our Chairman Mao writes articles under the lamp…” In Jinggangshan Behind the Shengong Temple of Xie’s family in Maoping Village, there is a small ocher-yellow two-story building with an octagonal skylight on the upper floor of the house. The local people habitually call it “octagonal building”. From October 1927 to January 1929, Comrade Mao Zedong often lived and worked in the Octagonal Building. Here, Comrade Mao Zedong constantly sought the future of the Chinese revolution, combined the universal truth of Marxism with the specific reality of the Chinese revolution, and wrote “Why Can China’s Red Regime Exist?” “, “The Struggle in Jinggangshan” and other brilliant works, this is the creative application and development of Marxism in China. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the face of new changes in domestic and foreign situations and new requirements for practice, the Chinese Communists, represented by Comrade Xi Jinping, have the courage to carry out theoretical exploration and innovation, and scientifically answer what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics to uphold and develop in the new era , How to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics and a series of major issues of the times, created Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and realized a new leap in the modernization of Marxism in China. The college pays attention to making good use of red resources, guides students to understand the power of truth from the struggle history of the party, and deeply understands “why the Chinese Communist Party can do it, why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good, in the final analysis, it is the practice of Marxism, and it is the modernization of Marxism in China. OK”. The college insists on taking the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the main course, first course, and compulsory course of cadre education and training, and promotes the authority of Xi Jinping’s thought system of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to enter teaching materials, vividly and effectively enter classrooms, and engrave deeply into the mind, helping The trainees really learn, understand, believe, and use, and effectively use this scientific thought to arm their minds, guide practice, and promote work.

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  Party spirit education strives to touch the soul and help students cultivate “true feelings”.Once the fire of ideals and beliefs is ignited, it will never be extinguished. In the Jinggangshan struggle, the Red Army fought desperately with the enemy. They wore red belts around their necks, named “sacrifice belts”, which showed their determination to dedicate themselves to the revolution. During this period, nearly 50,000 revolutionary martyrs died, and only 15,744 left their names. It is precisely because of the rock-solid revolutionary beliefs that countless martyrs went on for the revolutionary cause, shedding blood and sacrificing themselves, in exchange for the success of the Chinese revolution. From the Jinggangshan struggle period when “salt is the same as salt, and no salt is the same taste”, to the cadres in the Soviet area who “did the revolution in straw sandals by day, and visited the poor peasants by lighting lanterns at night”, and to the “half quilt” left by the Red Army soldiers on the Long March. Party history stories and every advanced deed are vivid manifestations of Communist Party spirit cultivation and vivid teaching materials for carrying out Party spirit education. The college regards these red resources as teaching materials for strengthening ideals and beliefs and strengthening the cultivation of party spirit. It insists on using details to tell characters, using characters to tell stories, using stories to tell party history, and using party history to tell party spirit. The spirit is thorough, and through on-site teaching, situational teaching, interview teaching and other methods, students are guided to be touched in their true feelings and baptized in spirit in the spiritual dialogue with revolutionary martyrs, and continuously strengthen their party spirit.

The China Jinggangshan Cadre Academy offers interview teaching. Through face-to-face discussions and exchanges with the descendants of the Red Army, students can understand the profound connotation and value of the Jinggangshan spirit from multiple angles and levels. The picture shows Gan Gongrong, daughter of General Gan Zuchang, being interviewed.Photo courtesy of China Jinggangshan Cadre Academy

  Ability training strives to be pragmatic and effective, helping students practice their “real skills”.General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out profoundly: “Whether it is to start a business or overcome difficulties, you need not only broad shoulders, but also iron shoulders; you need not only strong politics, but also high skills.” Investigation and research are the heirlooms of our party. Basic skills of work. From the Autumn Harvest Uprising to the Jinggangshan struggle, to opening up the revolutionary base areas in southern Jiangxi and western Fujian, and establishing the central revolutionary base area, no matter how dangerous the situation was, Comrade Mao Zedong always attached great importance to investigation and research, and wrote “Ninggang Investigation”, “Yongxin Investigation”, “Xunwu Survey”, “Xingguo Survey”, “Changgang Township Survey”, “Caixi Township Survey”, etc. Comrade Mao Zedong also often taught the soldiers how to do mass work, requiring that not only all Red Army soldiers can fight, but also that everyone can do the work of publicizing the masses and organizing the masses. During the Jinggangshan struggle and the Central Soviet Area period, attention was paid to improving the capabilities of Red Army soldiers in all aspects. Every Red Army soldier was not only a combatant, but also a propagandist and organizer. Red Army soldiers often took advantage of the gaps between battles to write slogans or draw cartoons in groups of three or five, or visit the homes of the masses to ask the poor. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the ability training of leading cadres, emphasizing that “improving the ability to solve practical problems is an urgent need to cope with the current complex situation and complete arduous tasks, and it is also an inevitable requirement for the growth of young cadres.” ability, investigation and research ability, scientific decision-making ability, reform tackling ability, emergency response ability, mass work ability, and implementation ability.” Keeping in mind the general secretary’s entrustment, the college regards ability training as an important content of cadre education and training, and insists on learning what to do and making up what is lacking, so as to achieve precise and effective results.

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  3. Adhere to strict governance of the hospital and cultivate a good style of study and teaching

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that comprehensive and strict governance of the party is always on the road, and the party’s self-revolution is always on the road. To implement strict party governance in an all-round way in the education and training of cadres, it is necessary to adhere to strict governance of studies, strict governance of teaching, and strict governance of schools. The training object and training target of the party school is the party’s ruling backbone team. It must implement stricter political standards, academic standards, teaching standards, and management standards than ordinary schools, and ensure the quality of education and training with a good style of study and teaching.

  Adhere to strict study and create a simple and clear style of study.General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Party schools at all levels must dare to grasp and manage, and strictly control and strictly control, so that students can feel the style of learning, simplicity, and clarity as soon as they enter the party school.” The style of study is an important part of the party’s style of work The issue of style of study is a major political issue that affects the success or failure of the party’s cause, and it is also an important factor affecting the quality of education and training. To strengthen the construction of the style of study, it is necessary to put discipline at the forefront, conscientiously implement the eight central regulations and their implementation rules, and strictly implement the relevant systems of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the college; it is necessary to help students quickly complete the transition from cadre status to student status, from work status to From the state of study to the “three transformations” from family life to collective life, put down the airs to receive training, dive down to read the original work, and calm down to “pace around”; it is necessary to play the role of class teacher and strictly implement paramilitary management , process management, but also give full play to the role of students’ self-management, establish temporary party branches for students, and implement strict management measures in all aspects of study, attendance, and life.

  Adhere to strict teaching and create a teaching style of loyalty and dedication.General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the education of political discipline and political rules should be strengthened, and teachers of party schools should be guided to concentrate on their studies, ask questions piously, and educate people carefully. This is an earnest expectation for party school teachers and a clear requirement for the construction of teaching style. The nature of party schools determines that party school teachers are different from ordinary teachers. They must always keep in mind their identity as party school teachers, consciously insist that party school teachers have the party’s surname, and always be loyal to the party’s cadre education. Party school teachers who want to become “preachers” must be good “teachers of classics”, devote themselves to studying, piously ask questions, lay a solid foundation in Marxist theory, and study, explain, and preach the “road” of Chinese modernization of Marxism well. ; To become a “melting furnace worker”, one must be a good “human teacher”, be stricter in party spirit training, more pure in party spirit and character, strive to cultivate virtue, and use one’s own words and deeds to influence and educate students.

  Adhere to strict school management and create a clean and upright school spirit.The party school is a “purifier” of unhealthy trends, a “melting pot” for tempering party spirit, and a “weather vane” for comprehensive and strict party governance. The college insists on running the main tone of strictness throughout the whole process of training and implementing it in all aspects of management, vigorously creating a clean and upright school spirit, allowing students to receive party spirit and party style education in a subtle way after entering the party school, and showing the good spirit of Communist Party members to the society . In the construction of school spirit, strengthen political supervision, through government supervision, teaching supervision, supervision and discipline enforcement, etc., timely discover new trends in the “four winds” that may arise among faculty members and students, and prevent formalism and bureaucracy from happening; Persist in running the Jinggangshan Cadre Academy with the spirit of Jinggangshan, create a campus culture of “loyalty, responsibility, passion, and dedication”, strive to achieve strong party spirit, strong party spirit, and upright party style, and guide faculty and staff to be disseminators and practitioners of Jinggangshan spirit .

“Cultivating talents for the party and offering suggestions for the party” is the fundamental driving force for the continuous struggle of the cadre education and training work front. On the new journey in the new era, we must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, fully implement Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, always stick to the original aspiration of the Party School, forge ahead, work hard, and continue to create cadre education The new situation of training work will make new contributions to building a socialist modernized country in an all-round way and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way.

Author: Deputy Dean in charge of daily work of China Jinggangshan Leadership Academy

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