Home » They capture collaborators of the MS-13 who distributed drugs in the country

They capture collaborators of the MS-13 who distributed drugs in the country

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They capture collaborators of the MS-13 who distributed drugs in the country

The National Civil Police (FGR), in coordination with the Attorney General’s Office (FGR), dismantled a network of child abusers.

The arrests were carried out within the framework of the operation called “Valentina”, in reference to the case of a sexually exploited minor, whose life ended in the hands of her own mother.

In the operation, “232 harassers, rapists and sexual aggressors of boys and girls” were captured, reported the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Gustavo Villatoro.

Among those captured there are a total of 222 men and 10 women involved, Minister Villatoro added.

Those captured used technological means, such as cell phones and tablets, to share intimate images of their little victims.

“I reiterate once again, we are here to do justice and protect our good population,” warned the head of the Security portfolio.

For his part, Attorney General Rodolfo Delgado stressed that “we will continue to protect the most vulnerable and punish sexual predators with all the force of the State. Our mission is to build a new country, where the laws are respected”.

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