Home » Guaidó’s complaint that would put Maduro in check

Guaidó’s complaint that would put Maduro in check

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Guaidó’s complaint that would put Maduro in check

The Venezuelan opponent Juan Guaidó assured this Sunday that the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, “is about to issue an arrest warrantagainst him, basing himself -he stressed- on “false accusations” for alleged crimes of corruption.

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“I received from three different sources that Maduro is about to issue an arrest warrant against me, based on false accusations,” said the former president of Parliament in videos posted on his social networks.

Guaidó recalled that he has been accused more than 30 times with what, he considers, are “false or forged evidence” since 2019when the opponent proclaimed himself “president in charge”, a position that he never came to exercise as such and which he resigned at the end of last December, having lost the support of the vast majority of those who supported him at the beginning of the “mandate interim”.

As he explained, the reasons for the alleged arrest warrant are based on the management of assets abroad and the management of the state petrochemical company Monómeros, based in Barranquilla (Colombia).

“The lie is based on Monomeros, they will revive lies of an alleged robbery of which they have never been able to present proof,” said the opponent, who has been peppered on several occasions by this matter.

He insisted that he and his team managed to maintain Monómeros as “Venezuelan patrimony”, through control through external audits with the intervention of Parliament when it was under his presidency.

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“While they wanted to finish it off, we kept it as Venezuelan patrimony. We investigated from the National Assembly when accusations were made, we ordered external audits, the management was given political responsibility by Parliament,” he said.

He said that the alleged persecution occurs “because the corruption that destroyed the country was already evident and because Maduro was robbed and humiliated.”

“They try to persecute me to calm their bases, to change the focus of attention before the focus of corruption that they did. The country is bankrupt and it has nothing to do with the blockade. This was looting,” he added.

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In addition, he pointed out that Maduro intends to intimidate him into leaving the country, although he did not give details of the alleged intimidation or how he received the arrest warrant alert.

“Maduro wants to intimidate me and make me leave the country. He told you: it will not happen,” he concluded.

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