Home » Isabelle Huppert to Affari: “I choose the director’s gaze and not the role”

Isabelle Huppert to Affari: “I choose the director’s gaze and not the role”

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Isabelle Huppert to Affari: “I choose the director’s gaze and not the role”

Isabelle Huppert, from cinema to feminism: Affaritaliani.it’s interview with the French diva

“I don’t choose the roles but the directors, I like having their gaze on me. Working with great directors who make great films”. As Isabelle Hupperin Rome to present Mon Crime – I’m the guilty one (by Francois Ozon) and La Syndacaliste (by Jean-Paul Salomé), two films that will soon be released in our cinemas, answers the question about the choice of characters he plays on the big screen .

Black jacket and white suit, the charming French diva, one of the most awarded in the history of cinema, with 150 films to her credit is in Rome, as part of the Rendez Vous – new French cinema review.

In “Mon crime – I am guilty” the women get the victory in court. Can it be considered a feminist film?

No, I consider it a manifesto of respect for the two girls, the defendant who killed the producer who wanted to seduce her and her lawyer. After all, it wouldn’t make sense to make a film inspired by a 1930s comedy without bringing it up to date. My character is not all that feminist; more than in the cause of women she is more interested in recovering the money she has lost and in returning to being the great actress that she was!

During your long career, have you met producers who wanted to take advantage of their position of power?

No, I’ve never had this kind of problem.

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How fun was it to accept the role of Odette Chaumette, an eccentric silent diva?

The main characteristic that I have given to the character is the language. I played my part speaking very fast. When they proposed the character to me, I arrived on the set without thinking much, I didn’t think much about psychology. All the characters in the film, apart from the two protagonists, are a bit caricatured, which is why I created this trick. Odette has an obsession: to unearth the truth about the crime she committed.

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