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4 simple routines to boost your self-esteem every day

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4 simple routines to boost your self-esteem every day

We often make our self-esteem dependent on external stimuli or other people. This is bad, because this recognition from the outside is fragile and unreliable. Not you, but the outside decides whether they give you the credit or take it away and that is not reliable. All in all, it does not strengthen your self-confidence, but rather weakens it.

Four tips on how you can strengthen your self-esteem from within – i.e. from within yourself:

Point 1: Social networks

Enjoy being active on social media, but don’t base your self-esteem and confidence on how many friends you have on Facebook or how many likes you get on a post.

In the past, we often nurtured and strengthened our self-esteem through status symbols. That was bad too. However, nurturing our self-esteem through recognition on social media is even more fragile and fatal. Try to keep that in check and don’t become dependent on it. Posting can be a nice game, but it has nothing to do with being a great person!

Don’t always let messages from social networks bother you either. Because then you are not in the moment and only there your life takes place. I don’t have a media channel permanently open, but I open and close the floodgates. That means I don’t get any notifications from the networks, no e-mails or similar messages – without actively checking them.

This relieves and helps to focus. It gives you a feeling of strength and calm. You control and direct your life and not the others. Try it and see if this is helpful for you too.

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Point 2: Comparisons with fellow human beings

We often compare ourselves to other people – that weakens us.

Why? No matter how good you are, no matter how successful you are, no matter what you have achieved, you will always find people who have achieved even more. Those who, in your opinion, are even better than you.

And that weakens you. You must never forget: “You are good enough”. Don’t compare yourself to others, compare yourself to yourself and your goals. See what you have achieved and compare yourself to yourself. For example, if you want to make your jogging routine a little more professional, don’t look at how fast your buddy runs, but how fast you ran six months ago and how fast you run today.

Point 3: consumption

I think you know it: you think about a purchase and before you buy it you do some research, for example on the internet. You look at reviews, pictures and videos about the product. Your anticipation increases from day to day. But what happens after the purchase? Just as the joy increased before the purchase, it is now decreasing day by day – inexorably.

Consumption is not generally bad or harmful. But if consumption is a substitute action and is used by you to boost your self-esteem, then it harms you.

Before making any purchase, think about what you need and what will give you lasting pleasure. But don’t buy to make up for an inconvenience or to boost your self-esteem. Incidentally, spending on experiences is more satisfying than spending on consumer goods.

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Point 4: self-criticism

Of course we are all happy about praise and recognition. There’s nothing wrong with that either, but don’t make yourself dependent on it. How? Praise yourself regularly.

Your advantage: You can decide when and how often you praise yourself independently of others. Do it regularly to boost your self-esteem. Establish a routine of praising yourself.

And please don’t do one thing: Don’t criticize yourself! Other people do that enough. Don’t criticize yourself, tell yourself what a great person you are. Say to yourself: “I did well, I am evolving and I am improving my life and the world.” This is meant as an example, choose messages that suit you.

It will be easier for you to implement these four points if you take notes. Maybe first make a point and write down what you have achieved in the evening. This helps with the implementation and it is also good to look back at what you have already achieved. A powerful point to strengthen yourself from within is gratitude. And I’ll share some thoughts on that with you in my next post.

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