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it is bad for your health and causes diabetes

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it is bad for your health and causes diabetes

The flour is obtained from the grinding of cereals. There are different types on the market and some are not good for health. Whole grain is the best nutritionally. All the nutritional principles of the grain are found there. The 00 one, on the other hand, is the most refined. There is no bran that is rich in fiber. There is also no wheat germ which contains vitamins, amino acids and other substances. Contains starch and little protein. The one called “0” is less refined but this too lacks most of the nutrients. There are those called 1 and 2 which according to some data are semi integral.

The thing that worries is one type of flour is bad and causes diabetes. For this you have to be very careful when shopping at the supermarket. It is harmful to health even though it is very common in supermarkets. Unfortunately, there is no clear and precise information on the damage it causes. On the internet some sites disclose some data and the risks involved in eating it. But people continue not only to buy it but also to eat it without any problem. This flour is very rich in sugars and for this reason it creates an increase in blood sugar and over time the accumulation of deposited fats. There are those who argue that it causes the weakening of the organism that takes diseases, including tumors.

According to the data reported by the website of the San Camillo multi-specialty center, this flour creates an increase in insulin and the suppression of glucagon. This is a hormone that controls sugars by making them stay within certain limits. When it is suppressed it leads to weight gain. The lack of fibrous substances in this flour does not make intestinal transit regular. It also always brings the feeling of hunger that increases after taking the sugars it contains. In light of all this, we believe it is important to be careful which is good for your health and which is not. One cannot remain indifferent.

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But which brand of flour is bad for your health and causes diabetes? It is the one called “00”. It is generally used for bread, focaccia and pizza. It is also used to make desserts and biscuits and shortbreads are also prepared. It is recommended for many uses but does not actually contain a lot of good substances. In the long run it can cause damage to the body precisely because it contains harmful substances. We advise you a lot of attention.

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