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A man fell from a cable car in the Alps onto a stake | Info

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A man fell from a cable car in the Alps onto a stake |  Info

The fatal cable car will be inspected by the police, and the director of the ski resort has denied responsibility for the accident.

Source: MONDO/Predrag Vujić

Skiing in the French Alps it ended fatally for a 29-year-old skier who fell through a gondola window this Saturday. French prosecutors and the operator of the cable car confirmed that the death occurred when a man under the influence of alcohol went wild on a moving gondolareports the Daily Mail.

Two men (29 and 23) were skiing on a mountain in the Deuk Alpes resort in France. According to local media, the men were filming each other when the victim, weighing over 100 kilograms, hit the edge of the gondola. “They joked on the cable car when the 29-year-old broke through the plexiglass protection and fell from a height of 40 meters”said local prosecutor Eric Weilan on Sunday.

Local radio station France Bleu reported that a man fell on a trail marker and impaled himself on a stake. “These gondolas are made for 20 people, they are designed to withstand impacts if there is a movement caused by sudden braking or some other impact. This gruesome accident was caused by his hitting the PlexiglasFabris Butet, director of the Deuk Alpes resort, told BFM.

He denied any responsibility for the accident, and the cable car will be inspected by the police. With an altitude of 3,600 meters above sea level, Les Deuk Alpes is the highest ski resort in France. French National Mountain Safety Monitoring System (SNOSM) recorded a total of 12 deaths in the French mountains during the 2021-22 ski season, reports The Times. More than 45,000 people were treated for injuries, while emergency services intervened in around 50,000 incidents.

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