Home » In Sweden, burning the Koran is not a crime. The decision of the Supreme Court after the burning of the far-right politician

In Sweden, burning the Koran is not a crime. The decision of the Supreme Court after the burning of the far-right politician

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In Sweden, burning the Koran is not a crime.  The decision of the Supreme Court after the burning of the far-right politician

burn the Koran in Sweden it’s not a crime. He established it Supreme Court Of Stockholmwhich reversed the police decision to ban the burning of the sacred text of theIslam. In February the police had rejected a new request to burn a copy of the Koran in front of the Iraqi embassy a Stockholm. The police “He didn’t have sufficient basis for his decision,” she explained Cut in a press release, deeming that the threats invoked by the police to ban the fires announcements of books in front of the Turkish and Iraqi embassies were not “enough concrete or related to the events in question”.

The judges’ decision comes just a few weeks after the controversy sparked by the provocative gesture of the far-right Danish politician Rasmus Paludan (in the picture)which had set fire to a Koran in front of the Turkish embassy in the Swedish capital. An act that was followed by waves of anger in all Islamic countries, from Middle East to Asia, via the Gulf. In addition, this morning the secret services of Stockholm they arrested five people suspected of really wanting to plan a retaliation to respond to the politician’s gesture.

At the time of the facts Ankarain particular, had expressed deep indignation, particularly because Paludan he had been authorized by the Swedish police to carry out the protest. There Türkiye he had therefore canceled a visit by the minister of Swedish defensewhich was aimed at overcoming the objections of Ankara to the application for membership Sweden at the Nato.

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Paludanfounder of the Danish far-right party Tight course, had already in the past become the protagonist of such initiatives. In April 2019 he organized an anti-Islam rally in Viborg in Denmark, which sparked considerable riots. And of fires of Koran has already completed in 2020 a Malmoin Swedenand again last year in several other Swedish cities. Paludan had stated that the idea of ​​setting fire to the Koran had not been his, but that he had “been paid” by a far-right newspaper reporter and by Chang Frickformer contributor to Russia today and patron of News Today (online site of the populist right). State Department spokesman, Ned Pricewho had commented the gesture as “repugnant”, branded as “an attempt to sabotage the unity” of theAtlantic Alliancewith the intention of creating a rift between Türkiye e Sweden.

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