Home » Luis María Viaut was removed as federal prosecutor in San Francisco

Luis María Viaut was removed as federal prosecutor in San Francisco

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Luis María Viaut was removed as federal prosecutor in San Francisco

Luis Maria Viaut He is no longer the US Attorney for the City of San Francisco. After being sentenced at the end of April 2022 for acts of corruption in the exercise of his position, this Tuesday it was learned that he was dismissed, unanimously, by the Prosecution Court of the Public Ministry of the Nation (MPF).

Now you must comply with the five-year prison sentence that last April 26 was imposed by the Oral Court 2 (TOF2) of Córdoba for collecting money to “stop” an investigation and for influence peddling. The court was made up of María Noel Costa, José Fabián Asís and Julián Falcucci.

The Prosecution Court is chaired by the representative of the Argentine Federation of Bar Associations, Francisco Javier Panero (also from San Francisco) and is made up of the representatives of the national Executive Héctor Pablo Enrique Barbuto; from the Senate, César Grau; from the National Interuniversity Council, Agustina Rodríguez Saá; from the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital, María Gabriela Van Marrewijk; and by the magistrates of the MPF Ricardo Carlos María Álvarez, representing the general prosecutors, and Eduardo Norberto Varas, representing the first instance prosecutors.

The unanimous verdict was communicated to the Attorney General of the Nation, which in turn transferred it to the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

The foundations of the sentence will be known on April 25.

The Attorney General of the Nation Eduardo Casal had ordered the jury to be carried out through Resolution 162 after knowing the sentence of the Cordovan court.

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With the charges of influence peddling (to “influence” a provincial case) and aggravated illegal exactions (so as not to set up a case against an individual), the TOF2 of Córdoba imposed the five years in prison that he must serve when the sentence is finalized. firm, to which is added the payment of a fine of six million pesos and perpetual disqualification from holding public office.


Viaut came to trial accused along with an employee of the agency under his charge and three other people of collecting money to stop investigations or exerting influence to intervene in ongoing cases in the provincial court.

The employee who accompanied Viaut in the two facts of the accusation is the orderly of his prosecutor’s office, Darío Fabián “Paco” Rivarola, who received a sentence of three years of conditional execution, plus a fine of four million pesos and perpetual special disqualification. On behalf of Viaut, he requested money from a cooperative member of El Tío so as not to indict him in a case of “invoice factory” that the prosecutor was processing. Then, for the official to try to improve the procedural situation of a detainee for sexual abuse in the provincial Justice, the prosecutor and the orderly charged a large sum in dollars.

Sentence.  Viaut upon hearing the sentence of five years in prison.  (Pedro Castillo / The Voice)

The other three defendants, participants in the second act, received conditional sentences: Víctor Hugo “Vitito” Brugnoni, two years in prison and a fine of four million pesos for active bribery; Walter Gustavo Fattore and Gerardo Agustín “Coco” or “Coquito” Panero, six months in prison and two million pesos, as secondary participants in influence peddling. All three also received life special disbarment.

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Except for Viaut, during the trial the other defendants confessed to the facts and all the terms of the accusation, with which the federal prosecutor was left alone and exposed.

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