Home » “I miss the air”: how is Silvio Berlusconi hospitalized in San Raffaele for a blood problem and pneumonia

“I miss the air”: how is Silvio Berlusconi hospitalized in San Raffaele for a blood problem and pneumonia

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“I miss the air”: how is Silvio Berlusconi hospitalized in San Raffaele for a blood problem and pneumonia

“I miss the air.” Silvio Berlusconi has been hospitalized since yesterday at San Raffaele of Milan. A blood disease it’s a pneumonia they brought it in cardiac surgery intensive care. «He is awake», they say from the top management of Forza Italia. Berlusconi has accomplished 86 years old il last September 29th. His condition is considered serious. He was rushed to the hospital after an illness at his residence in Arcore. The area in front of the pavilion Q del San Raffaele was full of journalists yesterday. The medical bulletin announced for yesterday evening was eventually skipped. Following the former Knight is Dr. Alberto Zangrillo, his personal doctor for many years. Berlusconi had been hospitalized on March 27 last in the same hospital. At the time, the diagnosis had been cardiac arrhythmia. In the January 2022 instead there was talk of a urinary tract infection.

The first problem

Talking about one today blood disease and of one pneumonia and the Corriere della Sera. The diagnosis of pneumonia aggravates a picture of previous pathologies. The former Prime Minister went to San Raffaele together with his partner Marta Fascina. Lung infection was confirmed by Tac and blood tests. Currently Berlusconi is not intubated and is following antibiotic therapy. Hospitalization in intensive care was a precautionary choice. To guarantee the patient a protected environment. Talking about the breathing problem and of lack of air and instead Republic. It was the growing difficulty in breathing that led to hospitalization. In the 2016 Berlusconi had been replaced by the aortic valve. In the 2006 a Cleveland had received the implant of pacemaker. The last hospitalization had highlighted the need to carry out “routine” checks.

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“Serious situation”

Today it is said that hospitalization did not solve the first problem. The print writes that the situation is serious. At the poor oxygenation blood is added a problem of White blood cells. The diagnosis is that the lack of oxygen has put stress on the cardiovascular system and that respiratory. Berlusconi faced Covid-19 in the summer 2020, when the vaccines had not yet arrived. He said at the time that it was “the most dangerous test of my life”. Today it does not seem that the disease has a link with the situation. According to National newspaper the pneumonia diagnosed yesterday had not emerged during last week’s checkup. And also in this case infections by are excluded Sars-CoV-2. All the newspapers write that in any case Berlusconi is aware and is following the evolution of his illness in an absolutely lucid way.

intensive therapy

Unlike last March 27 there are many journalists and cameras who have started from about noon to man the entrances, both from the front side between the sector C e the D sectorboth from the back of via Olgettina 60. Right from here the March 30th Berlusconi had left, the day of his resignation. The president of Forza Italia is in the general and cardiothoracic intensive care unit directed by Professor Zangrillo in the sector Q1. His family and partner have agreed to keep his situation private. Zangrillo left the pavilion yesterday evening shortly after 22 e 40. He dribbled the cameras away on foot. “Go to sleep,” he said, addressing the reporters present who asked him about his patient’s state of health.

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In the maggio 1997 Berlusconi went under the knife for a prostate cancer at the San Raffaele hospital. A health problem about which the president of Forza Italia spoke only a few years later with the boys of a recovery community in Veneto. In the 2006 ad Antwerp underwent surgery to remove a fragment from the meniscus. At the end of November of the same year, he was hospitalized due to illness during a Forza Italia event Montecatini. The following month it flew to Cleveland, Ohio. Where a pacemaker was implanted. The. was also hospitalized at the San Raffaele December 13, 2009after the president of Forza Italia was hit on the face by a statuette from the cathedral thrown by Massimo Tartagliathen tried for pluriaggravate injuries and deemed incapable of understanding and wanting.


Several times later, due to the damage caused by the attack, Berlusconi had to undergo treatments and operations, including one on the jaw in 2011. On the other hand, an intervention at theHumanitas of Rozzano for left hand tendonitis. In the 2013 Berlusconi suffered from uveitis, an eye disease. In the’April 2014 an inflammation of the knee and in December of the same a worsening of the uveitis. In the December 2015 Berlusconi was required to replace the pacemaker, always performed at the San Raffaele. The former Prime Minister submitted in 2016 to cataract surgery and then to aortic valve replacement in June. In the 2019 was operated on for intestinal obstruction.

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