Home » State Administration of Taxation: Implement and improve tax incentives for high-tech enterprises to promote the upgrading of manufacturing to high-end

State Administration of Taxation: Implement and improve tax incentives for high-tech enterprises to promote the upgrading of manufacturing to high-end

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Securities Times News, according to China Net, the State Council Information Office held a series of press conferences on the theme of “Authoritative Departments Talking about the Opening” at 10 am on April 6. Cai Zili, chief auditor of the State Administration of Taxation, said that in the next step, we will accurately implement And continue to optimize and improve tax and fee support policies, further help the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, and strive to create a good ecology that is conducive to the development of advanced manufacturing industries. One is to support high-end. By implementing and improving support policies such as tax incentives for high-tech enterprises and accelerated depreciation of newly purchased fixed assets in key manufacturing industries, promote the upgrading of manufacturing to high-end. The second is to help intelligence. Give full play to the role of policies such as super deduction of research and development expenses and tax incentives for technology transfer, promote the accelerated digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, realize the deep integration of digital technology and production and operation, and continuously improve the level of intelligence. The third is to guide greening. Implement tax and fee support policies such as environmental protection, energy-saving and water-saving investment in special equipment such as corporate income tax credits, comprehensive utilization of resources, and encourage manufacturing companies to reduce carbon, reduce pollution, and increase greenery, and further promote the green, low-carbon, and high-quality development of my country’s manufacturing industry.

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